Joel Lexchin

Dr. Lexchin has been writing and publishing about pharmaceutical policy issues for the past 30 years. He is the author or co-author of over 140 peer-reviewed papers on a wide range of topics in this area, including: drug regulation, pharmacosurveillance, drug promotion, research and development, access to medications in developing countries and physician prescribing behaviour. He has been a consultant on these and other issues to the Ontario provincial government, various parts of the Canadian federal government, the government of New Zealand, the Australian National Prescribing Service and the World Health Organization.
Honours and Awards
2019 Clinician investigator, Toronto General Hospital Research Institute
2018 Best editorial published in lay press, Emergency Department, University Health Network
2018 Ethel Meade Award in research excellence from Ontario Health Coalition
2018 Member College of Reviewers, CIHR
2017 Olivieri lectureship on medical ethics, Harry Crowe Foundation, Toronto
2017 Senior researcher award, Emergency Department, University Health Network
2015 Senior researcher award, Emergency Department, University Health Network
2016 Nominated for 2016 DFCM Outstanding Peer-Reviewed Publication Award
2014 Nominated for Barer-Flood Prize for Health Services and Policy Research 2014
2013 Nominated for York University President’s Research Excellence Award
2019: A Documentary Mini-Series Examining Pharmaceutical Policy. SSHRC $48,000 (1 year), PI: Joel Lexchin, Co-investigator: Sergio Sismondo. Application no.: 611-2018-0635
2018: Beyond transparency in pharmaceutical research and regulation. CIHR $489,600 (4 years), PI: Matthew Herder, Janice Graham, Trudo Lemmens, Joel Lexchin; Co-investigators: K Fierlbeck, D Juurlink, N Persaud, B Williams-Jones. Application no.: 389116.
2017: What works best to protect public health? An international comparison of post-market regulatory risk communication on prescription drugs. CIHR $1,158,976 (4 years). PI: Colin Dormuth, Barbara Mintzes, Ingrid Sketris. Co-applicants: Lisa Bero, Courtney Davis, Marie Louise De Bruin, Aaron Kesselheim, Joel Lexchin, Derelie Mangin, Thomas Moore, Lorri Puil, Elizabeth Roughead, Mary Wiktorowicz. Application no.: 378588
2017: How best to protect public health: a comparative analysis of regulatory safety warnings on medicines in Australia, Canada the European Union and the United States. NHMRC $1,002,283.40 (AUS) (3 years), CI: Barbara Mintzes, Elizabeth Roughead, Joel Lexchin, Lisa Bero, Colin Dormuth, Aaron Kesselheim, Wendy Lipworth, Marie De Bruin, Danijela Gnjidic, Lorri Puil; Association Investigators: Ameet Sarpatwari, Aukje Mantel-Teeuwisse, Elin Lehnbom, Ingrid Sketris, John Abraham, Neville Board, Priya Bahri, Richard Day, Sallie-Anne Pearson, Thomas Moore. Application no.: APP1122332
2013-2016: Adverse drug event reporting in PharmaNet to improve patient safety and inform policy. CIHR $600,000.
2012-2014: Assessing the ethics of the dominant business model in the Canadian pharmaceutical sector; tackling institutional corruption through regulatory reforms. CIHR $84,204.
2012-2013: Planning the evaluation of medication review in emergency department patients. CIHR $24,997.
2012-2014: Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives and Patient Safety: exploration of physician experiences in three countries and implication for regulatory policy. CIHR $154,183.
2010-2017: Re-imagining long-term residential care: an international study of promising practices. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC): Major Collaborative Research Initiatives $2,498,000
Course Number: HAD5022H
Course Name: Politics, Policy, Public Health and Health Technology (2018; co-taught with Fiona Miller)