Fok-Han Leung

Fok-Han is a family physician practicing general family medicine and inner city health out of St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto. He is the Director of the Health in Community curriculum for the MD program, focusing on the formation of future physicians as contributing members of society. He is also Associate Program Director for the University of Toronto family medicine residency. He was the previous physician lead of the St. Michael's Health Centre at 80 Bond and helped to build, staff and establish the clinic.
Fok-Han is an Associate Professor with the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto, and he has been teaching medical students, residents and international graduates for the past 10 years.
Research Synopsis
As a clinician educator, the focus of much of my work has been in education scholarship, as well as teaching and mentoring learners and trainees in the research and publication process. My work and publications have had several major themes:
• Trainee teaching/education scholarship
• Patient education and engagement
• Innovation and Informatics
Honours and Awards
2015 W.T. Aikins Award, Excellence in Individual Teaching, Small Group Category, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto.