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Biostatistical and Research Methodology Support Services
The DFCM Research Program offers a wide range of biostatistical and research methodology support services for faculty including assistance writing grant applications, designing studies, data management, data analysis, and dissemination of findings (see the form below for more information).
The following applies to the DFCM research support services:
- There is no cost for research support services related to core DFCM program activities.
- There is no cost associated with a consultation during the grant writing stage. It is strongly encouraged that this consultation takes place early in the research planning writing stage.
- DFCM faculty may schedule up to 4 hours for data analysis per year, subject to internal review.
- For those applying for a research grant, a line item should be included in the budget to cover the costs of these and future support services for a senior biostatistician or methodologist, or for a biostatistician (under the direction of a senior biostatistician), and for data management services as applicable to the project.
- For existing projects, methodological/biostatistical services are available on a cost-recovery basis for a senior biostatistician or methodologist, or a biostatistician (under the direction of a senior biostatistician), and for data management services as applicable to the project.
- Please contact us about our standard hourly rates for biostatistical and data management services.
- Note: Commitments to projects receiving biostatistical support since February 2016 will be honoured. All new projects must follow the procedures above.
- Note: The above applies to non industry-supported projects. Industry-funded projects, if approved, will have a different fee schedule.
To access DFCM Research Program support services, please complete the form below. It is a means to collect information on research needs so that we can allocate our resources to better serve the DFCM research community. Please plan well in advance so that we have sufficient time to respond to your requests.
If you have any questions/concerns about this process, please contact the DFCM Research Administrator.
Please complete the following form: