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FAQ: International Medical Graduates (IMGs)
What is my status during the Pre-Residency Program Phase (PRP)?
The Pre-Residency Program helps to prepare residents to pass the mandatory Assessment Verification Period (AVP), a probationary period of 12 weeks required by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) for International Medical Graduates to obtain an educational license to begin residency training. During the PRP period, you are affirmed the same responsibilities of senior year medical students. This means that students must have their orders co-signed immediately, may see patients independently under close supervision, may perform procedures with close supervision, and have liability coverage through the university.
What is my status at the start of the Assessment Verification Period (AVP)?
The Assessment Verification Period is a mandatory Assessment period mandated by the CPSO to determine if candidates can function at a PGY1 level of training prior to full acceptance in the program. It is up to the supervising physician to determine whether or not AVP candidates may sign their own orders or have orders co-signed initially or for the duration of the assessment period. Time spent in AVP CAN contribute towards the trainees total time in residency if successful and thus at the start of AVP trainees are covered similar to other residents, by the PARO contract. This includes remuneration, call stipends, call requirements, and other items listed in the PARO-CAHO contract visible here.
How do I get an immunization record if I don’t have a physician?
It is important for physicians taking care of others, to take care of their own health and well-being and thus we strongly recommend that trainees who do not have a physician seek out a family doctor prior to commencing their training. The office of Resident Wellness has a listing of physicians who are accepting new patients. Additionally, Health Care Connect is a service in Ontario to connect those without physicians to those accepting. See page 18 in the PGME orientation booklet.
When do I receive my CPSO number?
You will receive your CPSO number when you begin the Assessment Verification Period (AVP).
I am trying to find housing, what type of accommodations does U of T offer?
University Family Housing at U of T (formerly Student Family Housing and Faculty & Residential Housing) offers apartments for student families and faculty in the heart of downtown Toronto. The majority of student families live in our buildings at 30 and 35 Charles Street West. These buildings feature a rooftop garden, recreation rooms, family drop-in centre, in-person and virtual activities and events for the whole family, underground parking, and an onsite childcare centre. Our Huron-Sussex neighbourhood is a collection of apartments in historic homes at the west end of campus for new faculty and a small number of student families.
If this sounds like a place you and your family would like to call home while you study at U of T, check out our website for more information and to apply at