Job Opportunities & Event Request Form

  • Current Contact Information
  • Job information
  • Event Details
  • Complete

Please answer the following questions to help us share your job or event with the DFCM community via our jobs page, locum opportunities page, events listing and/or monthly newsletter.

General guidelines:

  • Events and job opportunities must be of clear interest and value to the DFCM community.
  • Requests will be screened and shared at the discretion of the DFCM Communications Team and may be subject to pre-approval by the DFCM Chair.
  • Locum opportunities must meet the requirements to be posted.
  • Incomplete forms or job opportunities/events without sufficient information will not be shared. Please try to provide as much information as possible.
  • Our jobs newsletter is shared at the beginning of each month, and DFCM faculty receive jobs and events by email every Friday. Please take this into consideration and send requests well in advance of your deadline.
  • For any questions, email
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