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Patient Engagement Toolbox
The Patient Engagement Toolbox is a step-by-step guide for faculty who are interested in engaging with patient partners and includes common questions, helpful resources, and keys to success. For more information, contact DFCM’s Patient Engagement Specialist Dana Arafeh at
Have a tool/resource to share that has been supportive to your patient engagement efforts in primary care? Email us at and we’ll upload and share the resource with others.

- What do you hope the patient partner perspective will bring to the table?
- Identify the necessary resources, timing, and capacity for patient partner expenses and compensation.
- What do you need before you move forward?
- What will the patient partner’s role be and what will you do with their input?

- What approaches to engagement can you try?
- When do you want to bring patients onboard? Ideally, as early as possible.

- Who might be a good fit for this project?
- Do you need someone with specific skills or experiences?
- Does the patient partner need to reflect a certain population?
- Are there requirements to participate? What days/times will the engagement take place?
- How will you identify a patient partner to work with?

- What background documents would help orient your patient partner?
- Prepare your team to use plain language.
- Discuss your expectations with your patient partner.
- Be available to meet with your patient partner to answer questions and check in.
- How do you engage meaningfully?
- How do you remove barriers to participation?

How much should patient partners be compensated?
Patient Partner Recognition Guide
Click here to view the patient partner compensation process.