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Integrated Communities Stream
The Integrated Communities Stream is an innovative program designed to prepare residents for comprehensive Family Medicine. It combines one year (PGY-1) of training in a Toronto community hospital teaching site Toronto East Health Network - Michael Garron Hospital (TEHN) or North York General Hospital (NYGH) with one year (PGY-2) of training in one of three mid-Ontario communities:
This program is designed for the resident who is self-directed and is interested in working in a comprehensive practice in the future. Those who have been invited for an interview will receive an invitation to attend a virtual Integrated Communities Stream Information Night. This session will provide a detailed program overview from the Integrated Communities Program Director and current residents as well as an interactive Q&A segment in advance of the Virtual Interview Sessions.
During the first year, residents will meet regularly with the Integrated Communities Stream Program Director and their respective teaching hospital Site Coordinator to allow input into the program as the year progresses. Residents will also have the opportunity to visit their assigned mid-Ontario community site to familiarize themselves with the community. Elective time is built into the first year of the Integrated Communities Stream to allow the resident to gain extra experience in any area of particular interest. All Family Medicine Residents in the Integrated Communities Stream will continue to participate with other DFCM residents in weekly Academic Half-Days as protected teaching time. To accommodate learners throughout the region, Family Medicine Residents in the Integrated Communities Stream will be able to join these weekly teaching sessions virtually. In addition to these Academic Half-Days, Family Medicine residents from all teaching sites will come together every few months for a focused day of seminars and lectures at the Central Core Days.
During the second year of training, Family Medicine Residents in the Integrated Communities Stream are strongly encouraged to live in the vibrant commmunity to which they are assigned for their PGY2. Each of our three mid-Ontario sites are conveniently located 1-2 hours from the Greater Toronto Area. Family Medicine Residents will work with different preceptors to learn different practice styles.
Residents will be able to develop a mini-practice of their own which they will follow for the year, preparing them for independent practice. In addition to dedicated elective time, PGY-2 residents will spend the year participating in a horizontal program including 4 or 5 half days of Family Medicine per week. Residents will also take advantage of the local community hospital and its specialists to augment the learning occurring in the family practice. Horizontal specialty experiences (including geriatrics, MSK, outpatient psychiatry, obstetrics, internal medicine, surgery and anaesthesia) may be arranged with specialists in the communities.
While centrally set objectives and assessment standards are used across all University of Toronto hospital teaching sites, our Integrated Communities Stream sites have the distinct ability to use local strengths and resources to deliver exceptional learner-centered experiences.
All university policies as well as all PARO regulations apply to the Integrated Communities Stream residents.
Financial assistance is provided to residents to offset incurred costs during their residency. Courses such as Advance Trauma Life Support (ATLS) preferably completed before their PGY-2 year and Advances in Labour and Risk Management (ALARM) is fully funded if taken during the 24 month residency. Additional funding is provided in the residents’ PGY-2 year for personal high speed internet, Academic Project and Conference support from their program site. Details of all eligible reimbursements are available through the Postgraduate Quercus .
View the, Quick Facts Site Comparison Chart for the Integrated Communities Stream
Contact Information:
Name and Title |
Email Address |
Phone Number |
Jeff Golisky |
416-978-8530 |
Fadia Bravo |
416-978-8530 |
Name and Title |
Community |
Email Address |
Phone Number |
Dr. Modar Safar |
Alliston |
(705) 435-0080 |
Dr. Amita Dayal |
Port Perry |
905-985-2895 ext. 5420 |
Drs. Lydia Macfarland and Stephanie Milone |
Orangeville |
(519) 941-2702 |