Join the Family Medicine Patient Advisors Committee

We’re looking for patients or patient caregivers to inform how family doctors are trained.

DFCM is actively recruiting patient partners to join a new advisory committee of 10 to 15 people. Ideal candidates are patients or caregivers who attend a family medicine clinic that is linked to the University of Toronto. Patient partners will work with us to train future family doctors and improve our family medicine clinics overall. 

We value everyone's interest and experiences however; we are looking for patients from the following institutions:

  • The South East Toronto Family Health Team
  • Humber River Health 
  • St. Joseph's Health Centre
  • Sinai Health
  • Sunnybook Health Sciences Centre
  • Summerville Family Health
  • Trillium Health Partners
  • Southlake Regional Health Centre

If you are interested in this opportunity, please fill out the application form. Our team will keep this information confidential. 

What is the time commitment?
Approx. 15 hours per year for two years. All patient partners will receive compensation.

Contact Dana Arafeh at:
Phone: (416) 946 7074