
Dr. Danielle Martin


Dr. Danielle Martin

Dr. Danielle Martin is Chair of the Department of Family and Community Medicine (DFCM), University of Toronto. DFCM is the largest academic department of family medicine in the world and home to the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre on Family Medicine and Primary Care.

Dr. Martin is grounded in her clinical primary care expertise. She is an active family physician whose clinical work has ranged from comprehensive family medicine in rural and remote communities to maternity care. She is a dedicated educator, mentor and role model to learners aspiring to enter medicine and health care leadership. 

Dr. Martin is a respected leader in Canadian medicine and well-recognized media spokesperson, regularly named on lists such as Medical Post’s Power List. Her 2014 presentation to a United States Senate Subcommittee about the Canadian health care system has been viewed by over 30 million people across the globe.

Dr. Martin spent eight years as a senior hospital executive, most recently as Executive Vice President and Lead Medical Executive at Women’s College Hospital (WCH), where she was also medical lead of the hospital’s COVID-19 pandemic response. At WCH, she led the establishment of Women’s Virtual, Canada’s first virtual hospital.

The recipient of many awards and accolades, in 2019 Dr. Martin became the youngest physician ever to receive the F.N.G. Starr Award, the highest honour available to Canadian Medical Association members.

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Indigenous Leadership Circle

Name  Title

Dr. Suzanne Shoush

Indigenous Health Lead

Dr. Janet Smylie

Indigenous Health Research Lead

Dr. Sarah Park 

Indigenous Health Education Lead

Division Heads

Dr. Sid Feldman

Head, Division of Care of the Elderly

Dr. Megan Landes

Head, Division of Emergency Medicine

Dr. Nikki Bozinoff

Head, Division of Mental Health and Addiction

Dr. Christine Soong

Head, Division of Hospital Medicine

Dr. Kirsten Wentlandt

Head, Division of Palliative Care


Business Administration Director

Caroline Turenko

Director, Business Administration