
In accordance with the accreditation standards in family medicine put forth by the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC), the DFCM at the University of Toronto has developed a competency-based curriculum. Our curriculum was developed to meet the goals of the Triple C Curriculum and, as such, it is a curriculum that is Comprehensive, Focused on Continuity and is Centred in Family Medicine. Additionally, this curriculum incorporates all of the CanMEDS-FM roles. This document outlines the specific and necessary competencies to guide a resident’s development into becoming a competent, comprehensive and compassionate family physician. The competencies are organized into overarching entrustable professional activities in family medicine followed by domain specific competencies. Our intention is that residents and faculty alike will use this document to help guide resident learning experiences and develop shared learning objectives.

The DFCM competency based curriculum is a living document where the competencies are updated on a regular basis to ensure that they remain both relevant and socially accountable.  In 2023, the language of our curriculum was intentionally updated to reflect non-heteronormative gender inclusive and gender affirming terminology.  Specific changes with their accompanying explanations are shown in the glossary.

The mapping of the Curriculum at a Glance to the CanMEDS-FM roles along with site specific rotation competencies can be found by logging in the FM curriculum Web application. Please note: This is a Web application and it require DFCM Faculty and Residents to login in with their UTorID and Password. 

An overall view of our curriculum can be found in the Curriculum at a Glance PDF file.

Residency Guidelines

Category Policy


Teaching Practice






Please refer to the Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) webpage for a complete list of Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) Policies and Guidelines.

Resident Handbook

 Here is the link to DFCM's Resident Handbook, It can be downloaded to view. 


Learning Initiatives

Rural Northern Initiative Program

The program was established in 2006 to provide medical care in small northern Ontario communities facing a physician shortage and expose DFCM residents to the exciting and rewarding work available in northern Ontario.

Advances in Labour and Risk Management (ALARM)

The Advances in Labour and Risk Management course is a two-day course that offers case-based plenary sessions, hands-on workshop and comprehensive examination process.

Part-time Training Option

This option permits individuals to meet personal objectives, yet fully satisfy the requirements for certification in family medicine.

Teaching Residents to Teach Program (TRT)

This program aims to provide family medicine residents with formal teaching preparation to ensure a high-quality learning environment for our students, and to promote personal growth for our resident teachers.

Integrated 3-Year Program: Leadership

The I3P Leadership Program offers leadership skills to selected Family Medicine residents in an innovative longitudinal integration of Family Medicine residency training combined with a Master’s of Science in Health System Leadership and Innovation (MScHSLI). 

Family Medicine & Enhanced Skills (FAMES) Integrated 3-Year Program (I3P)

Our vision through FAM-ES is to graduate family physicians providing comprehensive care and meeting complex patient needs.