Application Process and Packages

Three colleagues gathered around in a discussion

Application Process

The Department of Family and Community Medicine is an academic department composed of health care professionals dedicated to leadership in teaching, research, service and the advancement of the discipline of Family Medicine, locally, nationally and internationally.  We teach, create and disseminate knowledge in primary care, advancing the discipline of family medicine and improving health for diverse and underserved communities locally and globally. The Department of Family and Community Medicine, in the Temerty Faculty of Medicine, is North America’s largest Department of Family Medicine with over 2,000 faculty.

The application and approval pathways for appointments and the documents a candidate must submit vary greatly depending on the policy under which the appointment falls, as well as the category and rank of the appointment. If you are interested in seeking a faculty appointment, please review the steps below and speak to your DFCM Site Lead, Program Director, Division Head, or Faculty Development (FD) Lead to discuss the application process.

All clinical (MD) academic appointments are governed by the Policy for Clinical Faculty and the Procedures Manual for the Policy for Clinical Faculty, available at the Temerty Faculty of Medicine Clinical Affairs website.

Simcoe Hall during convocation



Applicant meets with Site/Division Head or Program Director
Work with administrator and FD Lead on application
All application templates found on our website

Prior to an application

1.   Applicants should contact their relevant Site Head, Program Director or Division Head and determine the correct appointment type*. Please consider the following in your meeting: 

  • Determine the type of application required (new appointment, junior promotion, site transfer, etc.).
  • Please note, if applying for a clinical appointment, College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) membership is a departmental requirement.
  • What percentage of time is the candidate engaged in academic activities: Full time, part time, or adjunct?
  • Determine the academic rank of the candidate: Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Full Professor. For initial appointments at the rank of Assistant Professor or above, please contact
  • Determine the category of the candidate: Clinical Teacher, Clinician Leader/Administrator, Scientist (Non-MD Researcher), Clinician Scientist, Clinician Investigator, Clinician Educator and Clinician Quality and Innovation

2.   Work with your site/program administrator to gather the relevant application materials (review website for required documents and templates).

3.    The site/program administrator should complete the final online submission.

*Note: All Site/Division Heads or Program Directors should meet with the applicants or speak to knowing them in the submitted letter of support. If the Site/Division Head or Program Director does not know the individual and cannot meet with them, we ask for the site FD Lead to meet with them instead – which should be reflected in the Site/Division Head/Program Director's letter and/or in an additional letter of support from the FD Lead. In the event that neither the Site/Division Head, Program Director or FD Lead can meet with an applicant, we ask that a letter of reference be submitted along with the application from an individual who holds a faculty appointment at an institution who can accurately speak to the applicant's character and work ethic, and has known the candidate for one year or more

Application Timeline

  1. Prepare application with your site administrator.
  2. Site/program submits the completed application package through the online portal
  3. Appointments Administrator reviews package for completeness and accuracy. We will return incomplete or incorrect submissions.
  4. If the application is complete, it is brought to the Department Appointments Committee (DAC) for review and support (see meeting schedule and monthly submission deadlines below).
  5. The application is submitted to the Dean’s Office for final approval.
    1. Clinical Full-Time promotions, status only appointments and initial Clinical Full-Time appointments at the rank of Assistant Professor or higher are also reviewed by the Faculty Appointments Advisory Committee (FAAC) (monthly meeting schedule is below).

*Please note, applications take time to process, and timelines may vary depending on date of submission, if application is complete, if DAC or the Dean’s Office request additional information, etc.

Following Approval

  1. A Letter of Offer is emailed to the appointee and a copy is sent to the Site Head/Program Director/Division Head as well as the site or program administrator.
  2. Appointee signs the Letter of Offer and uploads it to the link provided.
  3. A welcome letter with information on a University of Toronto library card and email address is emailed to the appointee.
  4. The appointee is entered in the DFCM faculty database and appointee email address is added to the DFCM Listserv.

DAAC and FAAC Meeting Dates

All new faculty and junior promotion applications are reviewed by the DFCM Department Appointments Committee (DAC), which meets on a monthly basis from September–June. Once supported, Clinical Full Time promotions, status only appointments and initial Clinical Full Time appointments at the rank of Assistant Professor or higher are also reviewed by the Faculty Appointments Advisory Committee (FAAC) before they can be approved by the Dean.


August 20, 2024

September 10, 2024

September 10, 2024

October 1, 2024

October 15, 2024

November 5, 2024

November 12, 2024

December 3, 2024

December 17, 2024 (early due to holiday close)

January 14, 2025

January 14, 2025

February 4, 2025

February 11, 2025

March 4 2025

March 11, 2025

April 1, 2025

April 15, 2025

May 6, 2025

May 13, 2025

June 3, 2025


July 4, 2024

July 11, 2024

No Meeting for August

No Meeting for August

September 5, 2024

September 26, 2024

October 3, 2024

October 31, 2024

November 7, 2024

November 28, 2024

November 28, 2024

December 19, 2024

January 9, 2025

January 30, 2025

February 6, 2025

February 27, 2025

March 6, 2025

March 27, 2025

April 4, 2025

April 24, 2025

May 1, 2025

May 29, 2025

June 5, 2025

June 26, 2025

Application Packages

Listed below are the various application packages and their required documents. Applications are submitted via an online application form. Please ensure all required documents are attached to the application form in a single PDF at the time of submission.

Clinical (MD) Adjunct Application

Engaged in academic activities for less than 20% of his/her professional working time.

For an adjunct appointment application please complete the online application form and attach the required documentation (see below) in a single PDF at the time of submission.

Required Documents:

Use our checklist and naming conventions when attaching the following required documents to the online application form:

*TAHSN Hospitals: Under the University of Toronto/TAHSN hospital affiliation agreements, clinical adjunct appointments should not be given to hospital active staff (or equivalent) at a TAHSN site.

Clinical (MD) Part Time Application

Time Commitment: Engaged in academic activities for 20-79% of his/her professional working time.

For a part time appointment application please complete the online application form and attach the required documentation (see below) in a single PDF at the time of submission.

Required Documents:

Use our checklist and naming conventions when attaching the following required documents to the online application form:

*TAHSN Hospitals: Under the University of Toronto/TAHSN hospital affiliation agreements, university clinical part time appointments for hospital active staff (or equivalent) can only be approved with an accompanying Letter of Exemption specifically outlining the reason for a part time appointment. The Letter of Exemption must be signed on letterhead and be provided with the application package.

Clinical (MD) Full Time Application

Time Commitment: Engaged in academic activities for at least 80% of his/her professional working time and must participate in a practice plan or equivalent arrangement.

For a full-time appointment application please complete the online application form and attach the required documentation (see below) in a single PDF at the time of submission.

Required Documents:

Use our checklist and naming conventions when attaching the following required documents to the online application form:

Initial Clinical (MD) Appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor or above

While most new DFCM faculty members are appointed to DFCM at the rank of Lecturer, some may qualify for the rank of Assistant Professor (or even Associate or Full Professor) based on their academic contributions. Applicants interested in this option should discuss with their DFCM Site/Division Head or approved Program Director.

There are two streams for applying at this level:

1) Advanced Degree with 1-2 first author, peer-reviewed publications

An initial appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor requires the successful completion of a Master's Degree, PhD, or an advanced training experience deemed to be equivalent to a Master's level program. In some cases, 1-2 years of fellowship training, including secondary level resident training (ex: PGY3 training) that is 12 months or more in duration, will be considered the equivalent to an advanced degree. 

An advanced degree alone does not qualify, it is expected that the candidate will also have at least 1-2 recently published first author peer-reviewed publications in well-regarded journals. Publications must have been completed post-MD and ideally within the last 3 years however older publications may be considered. Additionally, publications should be relevant to the field of family medicine.


2) Academic Impact

The candidate must demonstrate the impact of scholarship at a local or regional level. It is expected that the candidate will have documentation demonstrating educational accomplishments in one or more of the following:

  • Sustained teaching excellence (i.e. a summary of a strong teaching dossier that includes evaluations, numbers and types of trainees and evidence that the candidate has taught in a variety of teaching environments, and teaching awards)
  • Design and development of curricula, educational offerings and/or educational materials
  • Creative Professional Activity (CPA) in teaching/education (such as the setting of practice standards)

Transferring rank from another institution

Applications from candidates who hold an appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor or above at another university will be reviewed by the Faculty Appointments Advisory Committee (FAAC) to ensure that they meet the Temerty Faculty of Medicine standards for the requested rank. Rank will not transfer automatically as each institution has its own criteria.

Required Documents

Use our checklist and naming conventions when attaching the following required documents to the online application form. Ensure you are using the correct forms based on adjunct, part-time or full-time status.

  • Online application form
  • Letter of Support from Site/Division Head or approved Program Director
    • The letter of support must be more robust than a letter for the rank of Lecturer. It must state the rationale for the rank of Assistant Professor and discuss the applicant’s qualifications.
    • Please use the relevant letter of support template based on the applicant's proposed FTE.
  • CV
  • Certificate of Professional Conduct (photocopy acceptable), received within 12 months of submission
  • Academic Position Description
    • Please use the relevant APD template based on the applicant's proposed FTE.
  • 3 Reference Letters (may be internal or external)
  • Teaching Dossier
  • If the candidate is applying based on Academic Impact, they MUST include documentation in the package that clearly demonstrates their educational and/or creative professional accomplishments (i.e. teaching dossier, curriculum design, etc).
  • Profile Form

If you have questions about initial appointment ranks, please contact for more details.

DFCM Divisions

DFCM’s Divisions provide an academic home for family physicians and other primary care providers practicing comprehensive care and enhanced skills family medicine. The DFCM has six divisions available. If you plan to be part of a division, your application must be supported by the relevant Division Head.

Please refer to and complete the application package for an adjunct, part-time or full-time appointment listed above, with the following amendments:

  • Please contact the relevant division to make them aware of your intention/desire for an appointment within their Division
  • Prepare the application on site with a letter of Support from the Site Head.
  • Kindly submit the completed appointment application via email to the Academic Appointments Administrator for divisions, Maryam Nafari, at  to solicit the Division Head’s signature. You may be asked to schedule a meeting with the Division Head to review your contributions.
  • When the Division Head has signed off on your appointment package, you may then submit the entire application via online application form.

Division Head List, Contact Details, and Criteria

  • For all Division appointment-related questions, please contact Maryam Nafari, Academic Appointments Administrator, at
  • Care of the Elderly - Dr. Sid Feldman 
  • Emergency Medicine – Dr. Megan Landes 
    • The applicant is likely CCFP (EM) trained and teaching Family Medicine residents in their Emergency Rotation.
  • Hospital Medicine – Dr. Hedieh Molla Ghanbari
  • Mental Health and Addictions – Dr. Nikki Bozinoff 
    • The applicant must be a Family Medicine physician practising in mental health and/or substance use and be involved in DFCM activities, for example as a teacher for U of T family medicine residents.
  • Palliative Care – Dr. Kirsten Wentlandt 
    • The applicant must be a Family Medicine physician practicing in Palliative Care and likely teaching Family Medicine residents in their Palliative Care Rotation.
  • Public Health – Dr. Ross Upshur 

Family Medicine Longitudinal Experience (FMLE)

If you are interested in applying for a Department of Family and Community Medicine academic appointment under the FMLE program, contact the Maryam Nafarai, Academic Appointment Administrator at

Who can apply?

The applicant must:

  • Be in good standing with the CPSO
  • Have CCFP Certification or be a member of the CFPC
  • Work in a community-based clinic that is accessible by public transit or car within a 40–60 minute commute from the downtown Toronto campus or the Mississauga campus (located at 3359 Mississauga Road North) even if it is a locum practice (no extra office space required)


Transition to Residency (TTR) or Undergraduate Electives

If you are interested in applying for a Department of Family and Community Medicine academic appointment under the TTR or Undergraduate Electives program, contact Maryam Nafari, Academic Appointment Administrator at

Who can apply?

The applicant must:

  • Be in good standing with the CPSO
  • Have a CCFP Certification or be a member of the CFPC

Teaching Practices/Integrated Communities/Rural Northern Initiative Program

To apply under the Teaching Practices, Integrated Communities or Northern Initiative program please contact Maryam Nafari, Academic appointmetn Administrator at

Required Documents:

Clinical Category Change Application

For existing Clinical (MD) faculty who wish to change their clinical category due to an increase/decrease in time commitment or site change, a category change application is required.

Required Documents for Category Change to Adjunct, Part Time or Full Time:

Use our checklist and naming conventions when attaching the following required documents to the online application form:

*TAHSN Hospitals: Under the University of Toronto/TAHSN hospital affiliation agreements, university clinical part time appointments for hospital active staff (or equivalent) can only be approved with an accompanying Letter of Exemption specifically outlining the reason for a part time appointment. The Letter of Exemption must be signed on letterhead and be provided with the application package.

University Adjunct Lecturer (Non-MD) Appointment Application

What Is a University Adjunct Lecturer (Non-MD) Faculty Appointment?

*Not to be confused with Clinical Adjunct (MD) appointment type for physicians (section above).

This category is for non-MD individuals who possess specialized expertise or learning that is of value to our department. The individual must hold employment with another institution with a job description that is primarily non-academic in nature. For example, a candidate might be an employee in industry or government or a professional who has specialized qualifications for teaching purposes. It could also be an individual who works at an affiliated site but is not employed full time.

These are limited term appointments (1-3 years) and renewable upon successful re-appointment. Candidates may apply for Adjunct Professor if they can show evidence of eminence in their field. If you think your candidate may be eligible for Adjunct Professor, please contact

Important note: the university does not normally allow individuals to hold more than one Adjunct (non-MD) appointment. Therefore, if you already hold an Adjunct appointment in another department/faculty, you will not be able to apply for a secondary Adjunct appointment in the DFCM unless there are extenuating circumstances.

For a University Adjunct Lecturer appointment, complete the online application form and attach the required documentation (see below) in a single PDF at the time of submission. Please use our checklist for appropriate order and naming conventions.

Required Documents:

Status-Only (Non-MD) Appointment Application

What Is a Status-Only (Non-MD) Faculty Appointment?

Status-only appointments are non-salaried and normally receive no remuneration from the University of Toronto. Such appointments are normally made to allow an individual faculty member to participate more fully in an academic unit's teaching or research program.

Individuals being considered for status-only positions should hold full time employment arrangements with another institution with a job description that is primarily academic (research and teaching) in nature. Most often, status-only appointments are granted to employees of affiliated hospitals and research institutions. Clinical faculty represent a special class of status-only faculty as their appointments are governed by the Policy on Clinical Faculty. University of Toronto employed faculty members appointed to other University of Toronto academic units on a non-salaried basis are non-budgetary cross-appointments, and not status-only.

For a status-only appointment application complete the online application form and attach all the completed documents listed below at the time of submission. You will be prompted to attached documents when completing the application form.

If you are a Health Professional Educator (HPE), please visit our HPE webpage for more information about the DFCM HPE community of practice and our useful HPE guidelines document.

Applicants with an Existing University Appointment:

Individuals who already hold an existing status only appointment elsewhere in the University may apply for a secondary ("concurrent") status only appointment in the DFCM.

Required Documents:

Use our checklist and naming conventions when attaching the following required documents to the online application form:

Status Only Appointment at the rank of Lecturer:

Status Only Appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor (please discuss with Site Head to ensure candidate meets qualifications):

 *If the candidate has a PhD Scientist designation this letter must come from the VP of Research at the hospital or institution where the scientist is employed. The letter must state that the hospital or institution will provide salary and lab facilities for the duration of the academic appointment.


A cross-appointment may be given to an individual who already holds an existing appointment at the University of Toronto.

The type of cross-appointment in the DFCM is determined by the nature of the primary appointment they already hold. Please reference the chart below:

Primary Appointment Type Eligible Cross Appt in the DFCM
Clinical MD Appointment (i.e. Clinical Full Time, Part Time or Adjunct) Clinical Cross Appt
Tenure/Tenure Stream, CLTA, Teaching Stream Non-Budgetary Cross Appt
Status Only (non-clinical) Status Only (non-clinical)
Adjunct (non-clinical)

Not eligible for cross-appointment. According to university policy, faculty may only hold one adjunct (non-MD) appointment at a time.

Clinical Cross Appointments

Clinical Cross-Appointments may be given to a practicing MD who already holds a primary 'clinical' appointment in another clinical department in the Faculty of Medicine. It is given to allow appointees to participate in the teaching activities of the DFCM.

For a clinical cross-appointment, complete the online application form and attach all the completed documents (in a single PDF) listed below at the time of submission.

Required Documents:

Non-Budgetary Cross Appointment

Non-budgetary cross appointments are given to an existing faculty member who is on paid salary in an academic unit at the University of Toronto and who is subsequently appointed to another academic unit on a non-salaried basis. These are fixed-term appointments, usually 1 to 3 years.

For a non-budgetary cross appointment, please complete the online application form and attach the required documentation (see below) in a single PDF at the time of submission.

Required Documents:

Concurrent Status-Only or Adjunct (non clinical) Appointments

Individuals with existing Status-Only appointments at the University of Toronto may seek a concurrent (secondary) appointment in the DFCM. These are fixed terms, the length of which should be tied to the term of the appointment in the faculty member's primary department.

For details and requirements, see the drop down section above titled "Status-Only (Non-MD) Appointment Application".

Visiting Professorship

This category of appointment is used for faculty members visiting from other institutions for less than a year that require access to university services during their visit and/or require a formal relationship with the university for visa purposes. This category of appointment does not normally enable participation in clinical activities. These appointments are usually for one year or less.

If the candidate is visiting from outside Canada, an application must be made well in advance of the expected start date of the professorship (at least six months) to prepare the necessary immigration documents. The application should be arranged prior to the candidate arriving in Canada.

Please note that while we can support a visiting professorship application, our department cannot advise on immigration policy or procedure.

To find out more about a visiting professorship, contact the DFCM Academic Appointments Administrator at

Site/Program Transfer: Current DFCM Faculty Member to a New Site/Program

Please meet with your new faculty member to review and initiate the appointment transfer from another site. A faculty transfer may only be completed if the rank and FTE remain exactly the same. If not, a new appointment application will need to be completed by your site.

To initiate a site/program transfer, please complete the online application form and attach the required documentation (see below) in a single PDF at the time of submission. For the “Appointment Type Requested,” please select “change in an existing appointment”.

Required documentation includes:

  • Letter of Confirmation from Hospital Site Lead (Template letter). If transferring to a new program/division, the letter of confirmation should be from the relevant program director/division head.
    • If the faculty member is remaining at their current site/FTE and needs to be added to a division. Please have the Division Head complete the letter of confirmation and email to No other paperwork is required.
  • Updated CV – should include start date at new site/program/division
  • Updated Academic Position Description:

Combine documents into a single PDF, use naming convention: LastName_FirstName_Transfer_MonthYear (ex: Doe_John_Transfer_Feb2024).

Junior and Senior Promotion

Are you interested in a junior or senior promotion? Visit the links below for more information. If you have any questions, contact