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FAQ: Enhanced Skills
1. How may I submit my application?
For all Category 2 programs and Cat. 1 Clinician Scholar Program: applications must be submitted through our online application system. The link to the online application form can be found at the bottom of each program's description page or directly on the Enhanced Skills Program Admissions page.
For Category 1 programs (Addiction Medicine, Care of the Elderly, Emergency Medicine, FP-Anesthesia, Palliative Care and Sport & Exercise Medicine): applications must be submitted through CaRMS.
2. I am applying to more than one program. Am I required to submit an application to each program I am applying to?
Yes, applicants are required to submit a complete application to each program they are applying to as each program has its own reviewing committee. The letter of intent must be written to the specific program of application.
N.B.: If you apply to both a Category 1 program and a Category 2 program, please note that you can only match to a single Category 1 program through CaRMS. Should you match to a Category 1 program through CaRMS, this is a binding contract and you will need to relinquish or decline any subsequent Category 2 offers you receive. Should you receive and accept a Category 2 offer PRIOR to the CaRMS rank order list deadline, you will need to withdraw from the CaRMS match. Between the rank order list deadline and match day, you cannot accept any Category 2 offers. Any circumvention of this policy will result in a match violation and may result in disciplinary actions.
3. Can references be submitted via email?
Category 2 Programs and Cat. 1 Clinician Scholar Program: No, references are to be submitted to the online application system. Referees will receive a link via email to submit their reference once an application is submitted and a confirmation receipt has been sent to the applicant. See reference submission deadline in 'How to Apply' section on the Enhanced Skills Program Admissions page.
Important note: To avoid delays, applicants must provide their references' first name and last name. Please do NOT add titles (e.g. Dr., Mr.) or use nicknames, middle names etc. Please also check spelling and email validity.
Other Category 1 Programs: Reference letters must be submitted through CaRMS.
4. Can the reference from the program director come from the program site director instead?
Yes, this reference can come from either your Family Medicine Residency Program Director or your Site Director. For University of Toronto applicants, this reference letter should be completed by your Site Director.
5. How will I know my application was received?
Category 2 Programs and Cat. 1 Clinician Scholar Program: Each applicant will receive an email confirmation from the online application system upon validation by the Enhanced Skills Administration office. This email will contain your application ID (e.g. 2023_125). Please keep this number in your records as it will be required to accept or decline offers.
6. I am currently enrolled as a PGY3 in one of the Enhanced Skills programs. Am I eligible to apply to another Enhanced Skills program?
Those enrolled in a PGY3 Enhanced Skills Program at the time of application are NOT eligible to apply to another PGY3 Enhanced Skills position. Please refer to eligibility requirements here.
7. I am an IMG in Cohort 2 in a Canadian Family Medicine Residency Program. Can I apply to an Enhanced Skills program even though I am off-cycle and if so, when do I apply?
Category 2 Programs and Cat. 1 Clinician Scholar Program: Yes, in order to be eligible, you must apply during the fall of your PGY2 year in a Canadian Family Medicine Residency Program and indicate on your application your expected residency program completion date. You must begin your PGY3 year within 12 months of completing your PGY2 year. However, it is up to the individual program director to determine whether a late start can be accommodated due to program capacity and scheduling factors.
Other Category 1 Programs: Off-cycle PGY2 residents with completion dates between July 1 and December 31, 2024 are eligible to apply to the CaRMS match but must declare their completion date on the application form and request a late start. Off-cycle PGY2 residents may only apply to the match one time. While some programs are able to admit residents' off-cycle, others are not. Off-cycle applicants will remain eligible to apply to the following year's match recognizing that they may have obtained an independent practice license in the interim period.
8. Am I required to complete an elective within the area of the Enhanced Skills program I am applying to?
Electives are not required but are strongly encouraged where possible to gain exposure and test your interests in the field you wish to apply to.
Re-Entry Applicants
9. I am a current practicing family physician who will be applying for re-entry funding. Should I apply to my Enhanced Skills program of interest during the regular application cycle?
Applicants to Category 2 programs or to the Cat. 1 Clinician Scholar Program are not eligible to apply through the DFCM Enhanced Skills Online Application System and must apply directly through the Ministry of Health Re-Entry Program. Please visit their webpage for more information.
Applicants to other Category 1 programs are not eligible to apply to the CaRMS match and must apply directly to the Ministry of Health Re-Entry Program.
Application Process (Interviews, Offers, etc.)
10. I have been selected for an interview. How long will the interview be and where will it take place?
All interviews are conducted virtually until further notice and will run for approximately 30 minutes. Applicants selected for an interview will be contacted directly by programs (or the DFCM Enhanced Skills office) with details regarding their interview.
11. Will I be notified if I am not selected for an interview?
Applicants to all Category 2 program and Category 1 Clinician Scholar Program will be notified by mid-November that they have not been selected for an interview. Applicants to other Category 1 programs (i.e. Addiction Medicine, Care of the Elderly, FP-Anesthesia, Palliative Care and Sport & Exercise Medicine) will be notified through CaRMS online as per set CaRMS deadline.
12. When will I be informed about the status of my application?
Category 2 program and Category 1 Clinician Scholar Program: All applications status notifications (i.e. decline to interview, offers or waiting list) will be sent out by email as per application timeline. Applicants have until November 22, 2024 to accept an offer. If the offer is accepted, applicants will receive an email confirmation with more information regarding next steps. If the offer is declined, the position will be offered to the next candidate on the waiting list.
Late offers will be sent to candidates on the waiting list until all positions have been filled out or all candidates on the list have been contacted which may be after the November 22 deadline. Applicants will also be notified by email once their program of choice has filled all available positions.