Family Medicine Resident Supplementary Educational Resources
- FMF Live On Demand Virtual Education (College of Family Physicians of Canada)
- The Hub (University of Toronto)
- Virtual Care Handbook for Family Medicine Residents (DFCM)
- A Resident Guide to Redeployment (created by Marlee Klaiman and Zainab Najarali, DFCM)
- Online courses about women's health (login required) (Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada)
- Primary Care Provider Care Guide: Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault
- Weight gain in pregnancy (online course) (Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary)
- 5 A’s of Healthy Pregnancy Weight Gain (online module) (Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia)
- Latching On: How Family Physicians Can Support Breastfeeding Patients (online module) (Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia)
- Not Just The Blues: Perinatal Depression and Anxiety (online course) (Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia)
- Fundamentals of Fetal Health Surveillance (self-learning online manual) (Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia)
- Lecture by Dr. Amy Montour at McMaster on Culturally Sensitive Care (MacGlObAs, McMaster University)
- Indigenous Relationship and Cultural Safety Courses (Cancer Care Ontario)
- An Indigenous Women’s Reproductive Health Curriculum (Hearing Our Voices)
- Emergency Medicine Resources (Mount Sinai Hospital)
- Opioids Clinical Primer (machealth)
- Clinical Care Guidance (British Columbia Centre on Substance Use)
- Online Opioid Self-Assessment Program (University Health Network)
- Grow and meet your Sport Medicine and Musculoskeletal (MSK) Education needs (Sport Med School)
- A New Approach to the Management of Osteoarthritis (College of Family Physicians of Canada)
- Rheumtutor: online educational resource about rheumatology (Rheumtutor)
- MSK Matters - A sport and exercise medicine podcast for Canadian medical residents and senior medical students (hosted by Dr. Ali Rendely, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute)
- COVID-19 Palliative Care Modules (Pallium Canada)
- Physician Learning Modules (WSIB Ontario)