Impact and Awards at the Office of Education Scholarship

DFCM faculty, with the support of the Office of Education Scholarship, are making a huge impact in the field of medical education.

Bookmark this page to stay up to date on recent grants and dissemination. 


Dr. Giovanna Sirianni has received an AMS Fellowship in Compassion and Artificial Intelligence for her studyTell me your story: A qualitative exploration of patient-generated narratives in the electronic health record to support whole-person care.

Seow H (NPI), Myers J, Winemaker S (co-PIs), Incardona N, Steinberg L, Levine O, Apramian T, Kulasegaram K, Jia Z, Roze des Ordons A, Simon J, Sander J. Integrating early palliative care into practice: Testing and evaluating practical tools for providers, patients, and families. Health Canada. Nov 2023 - Mar 2026. ($2,390,680)

Dr. Tavis Apramian has received an AMS Fellowship in Compassion and Artificial Intelligence for his study Preparing or deciding in serious illness? Digital solutions for a digital problem.

Preparing or deciding in serious illness? Digital solutions for a digital problem. AMS Fellowship in Compassion and Artificial Intelligence. PI: Apramian T, Supervisor/Mentor: Meyers J, Whitehead C. Sept 2023 - Aug 2024. $75,000.

PSI Foundation. Medical Education Research Grant. Guiding the impact of virtual care on the future of work for Ontario’s family physicians: Development of a model of virtual care expertise and education action plan. PI: Grundland B; Co-PI: Woods N; Co-Investigators: Freeman R, Kulasegaram M, Mylopoulos M, Prucnal K, Bhattacharyya O. April 2022 – Sept 2024. $83,000 CAD. 

Enhancing Global Health Pre-Departure Training using Low Resource, High Capacity (LRHC) Simulation, Temerty Faculty of Medicine Education Development Fund, 2023. Cundall A, Wytsma J.

The Friendly42: An interdisciplinary educational program to teach the delivery of compassionate care to patients receiving involuntary mental health admissions in the emergency department, Temerty Faculty of Medicine Education Development Fund, 2023. Ungar M, Orkin A.

Guiding the impact of virtual care on the future of work for Ontario’s family physicians: Development of a model of virtual care expertise and education action plan. PSI Foundation Grant, $83,000. Grundland B, Freeman R, Kulasegaram M, Mylopoulos M, Prucnal K, Bhattacharyya O.

Caring for colleagues: Maintaining professional boundaries while navigating dual roles. 2022 Royal College/Associated Medical Services CanMEDS Research Grant Funder: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. A Gingerich, S Ginsburg, K Powles, M Forte. Sep 6, 2022 to Sep 5, 2024. $25,000.00

The Cognitive Expertise and Education Data Laboratory. John R. Evans Leaders Fund. Canadian Foundation for Innovation. Co-Investigators: Kulasegaram M, Mylopoulos M. $82,662 CAD. 

Mylopoulos, M., Rowland, P., Woods, N, Martimianakis, MA.    Collaborator Preparing tomorrow’s experts: A first effort to understand the integration of capability and context for adaptive expertise, SSHRC Insight Development Grants, SSHRC, 2021 Jun -  2023 Jun, $56,783.00 

Onyura, B., Hamza, D, Baker, L, Ng, S., Archibald, T., Fawns, T., Piquette, D., Ismail, Y., Bulmer, B., Nirula, L., Kwan, D. Examining the evaluation of innovation-precipitated harm in educational interventions. 2021; Funded by a Social Science and Humanities Research Council Canada Insight Grant in the amount of $63,472. Granting Agency: SSHRC Insight Grant. 2021 Mar - 2023 Mar,  $63,472.00 


Arora AK, Rodriguez C, Carver T, Zhang H, Schuster T. Validation of the blended learning usability evaluation-questionnaire (BLUE-Q) through an innovative Bayesian questionnaire validation approach. Journal of educational evaluation for health professions. 2024;21:31. (Impact Factor: 9.3)

 Wang Z, Zhao X, Shen H, Wang H, Cheng G, Gao YN, Zuo W, Xu Z, Avallone F, Arora AK, Guo M. Evaluation of the McGill‐Tongji Blended Education Program for Teacher Leaders in General Practice: The importance of partnership and contextualization in International Primary Care Training Initiatives. Health Care Science. 2024 Aug;3(4):238-48. (Cite Score: 0.9)

Dr. Gurpreet Mand’s paper on the exceptional learner was discussed on the Karolinska Institutet’s The PAPERs Podcast.

Han S, Nyhof-Young J. Ongoing discussions on supporting medical students during a crisis.  Letter to the Editor. Canadian Medical Education Journal. Published ahead of issue: Vol. 15 No. 4 (2024). Available at  

Eissa A, Woods N. Losing a foot to diabetes is terrifying, and preventable. How doctors are trying to help [Internet interview]. CBC News. 2024 Jun 24. Available from

Husain A. A scoping review on bolstering concussion knowledge in medical education. Discover Education. 2024 Dec;3(1):1-22.

Mitri M, Nutik M, Forte M. Undervalued and underappreciated: Perceptions from future family physicians [Internet]. 2024 Jun 18. Available from

Diaz NS, Kostov S, Bearss E Forte M. Bridging generational divides in medical education: Gen Z med students’ POV [Internet]. Healthy 2024 Aug 27. Available from

Kostov S, Rajendra K, Forte M (2024, March 27). Accessing pregnancy care in Canada: Family physicians as part of the solution.

Ramdawar A, Bozinoff N, Lazare K. “Not doing it justice”: Perspectives of Recent Family Medicine Graduates on Mental Health and Addictions Training in Residency. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development. 2024 Apr;11.

Forte M. Learn more about Dr. Forte and her debut anthology: Full Circle, A collection of Family Medicine Birth Stories. Interview in Palette Magazine, Issue 10, Jan 2024. Toronto. 

Markovski M, Jeyabalan V, Stephens R, Kiehn L, Lockwood J, Saeed D, Bordman R. Resident and teacher perceptions of the preceptor field note: a qualitative analysis. Can. Med. Ed. J [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 15.

Mand G, Nijhawan M, Fernando O, Freeman R, Merbaum A. Identifying the exceptional learner in medical education: A doing vs. being framework. Medical Teacher. 2023 Nov 28:1-6.

Kam AS, Zhao G, Huang CL, Husain A, Nyhof‐Young J, Summers A, Fernandez N, Richardson D. Residency spiral concussion curriculum design. The Clinical Teacher. 2023 Nov 30:e13707.

Park S, Chiang NJ, Nyhof-Young J, Rojas D, Lazor J, Sirianni G. Entrustable professional activities in undergraduate medical education: A needs assessment of medical students and faculty. Education in the Health Professions. 2023 May 1;6(2):92-5.

Liu L, Chen B, Nyhof-Young J. Primary Care Perspectives on Education Scholarship: A Qualitative Synthesis. Fam Med.

Sirianni G, Xu QY. Canada’s crisis of primary care access: Is expanding residency training to 3 years a solution? CMAJ. 2023 Oct 23;195(41):E1418-9. 

Wondimagegn D, Pain C, Seifu N, Cartmill C, Alemu AA, Whitehead CR. Reimagining global mental health in Africa. BMJ Global Health. 2023; 8:e013232.

Wondimagegn D, Whitehead C, Cartmill C, Rodrigues E, Correia A, Salessi Lins T, Costa MJ. Faster, higher, stronger – together? A bibliometric analysis of author distribution in top medical education journals. BMJ Global Health. 2023; 8:e011656.

Cartmill C, Rowland P, Rojas D, Cameron E, Whitehead C. Power/knowledge: A sociomaterial perspective on a new accreditation process during COVID-19. Medical Education. 2023; 

Naidu T, Wondimagegn D, Whitehead C, Rashid MA. Can the medical educator speak? The next frontier of globalisation research in medical education. Medical Education. 2023;

Zaidi Z, Partman IM, Whitehead CR, Kuper A, Wyatt TR. Contending with our racial past in medical education: A Foucauldian perspective. In: Veen M, Cianciolo T, editors. Helping a field see itself: Envisioning a philosophy of medical education. Boca Raton, FL, USA: CRC Press; 2023.

Cupido N, Diamond L, Kulasegaram K, Martimianakis MA, Forte M. Detour or New Direction: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Professional Identity Formation of Postgraduate Residents. Academic Medicine. 2023:10-97.

Apramian T, Virag O, Gallagher E, Howard M. Fighting Fires and Battling the Clock: Advance Care Planning in Family Medicine Residency. Family Medicine. 2023 Jul. 

Grundland B, Kulasegaram K, Prucnal K, Freeman R. Implementation and evaluation of an innovative virtual care curriculum. Medical Education. 2022 Nov;56(11):11334.  

 Wright SR, Boyd VA, Okafor I, Sharma M, Giroux R, Richardson L, Brosnan C. 'First in family' experiences in a Canadian medical school: A critically reflexive study. Medical Education. 2023 May 24.

Tavares W, Kinnear B, Schumacher DJ, Forte M. “Rater training” re-imagined for work-based assessment in medical education. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2023 May 4:1-3.

Full Circle: A collection of family medicine birth stories. Edited by Forte M, Arora N, Schermbrucker J, Abells Y. College of Family Physicians of Canada. 2023.

Diamond L, Kulasegaram K, Murdoch S, Tannenbaum DW, Freeman R, Forte M. Impact of early waves of the COVID-19 pandemic on family medicine residency training: Analysis of survey data. Canadian Family Physician April 2023, 69 (4) 271-277; DOI:

Axelrod C, Brenna CTA, Gershon A, Peterkin A, Nyhof-Young J. The Companion Curriculum: An evaluation of the humanities in medical education. CMEJ Brief Report. Published ahead of issue: Oct 31, 2022; published: Apr 8, 2023. CMEJ 2023, 14(2) Available at

Kazevman G, Singwi A, Nutik M, Sirianni G, Moaveni A. Training policy limits career exploration in family medicine: Unintended consequences of the Student Elective Diversification Policy. Canadian Family Physician. 2023 Jan;69(1):8.

Toubassi D, Forte M, Herzog L, Roberts M, Schenker C, Waters I, Bearss E. Supporting resident wellness through reflection on professional identity: A novel curriculum. Education in the Health Professions. 2022 Sep 1;5(3):85.

Dini Y, Avolio J, Forte M. The medical learner perspective: Family medicine obstetrics as a specialty choice. Canadian Family Physician. 2022 Nov 9.

Forte M. Designing virtual and physical clinical spaces to build trust. Healthy Debate. Oct 3, 2022.

Nadler MB, Hofbauer BE, Wu M, Hum S, Elser C, Nyhof-Young J. Towards a Postgraduate Oncology Training Model for Family Medicine: Mixed Methods Evaluation of a Breast Oncology Rotation. Current Oncology. 2022 Sep 10;29(9):6485-95.

Teitelbaum D, Xie M, Issa M, Nelms M, Wintraub L, Leung FH, Nyhof-Young J, Otremba M, Sirianni G, Prucnal K. Use of wearable point-of-view live streaming technology for virtual physical exam skills training. Canadian Medical Education Journal/Revue canadienne de l'éducation médicale. 2022;13(3):64-6.

Toubassi D, Schenker C, Roberts M, Forte M. Professional identity formation: linking meaning to well-being. Advances in Health Sciences Education.  2022 Aug 1:1-4.

Li MK, Tang E, Li C, Nyhof-Young J. The upside of upstream: trainee-initiated change in medical education. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 2022 Jul;13(3):105.

Avolio J, Diamond L, Kulasegaram M, Forte M. Resident burnout and the COVID-19 pandemic (blog post). Canadian Family Physician. 2022 Apr 6.

Kerr M, Qeska D, Lee J, McLeod A, Nyhof-Young J. Optimizing Case-Based Learning: an evaluation of tutor and first year medical student perceptions of group size and format variations. University of Toronto Medical Journal. 2022 Apr 2;99(2):19-24. First prize for best student-led article submission for the issue.

Sirianni G, Onyura B, Kawaguchi S, Freedman A, Grundland B, Lass E, Forte M, Murdoch S, Freeman R. A new way forward via innovative integration: A 3-year family medicine and enhanced skills residency program. Canadian Family Physician. 2022 Jan 1;68(1):13-5.

Biringer A, Kolker S, Rubenstein W. Teaching Perinatal Care: A Practical Guide. FriesenPress; 2022. ISBN: 9781039145634 ISBN-10: 1039145639

Awards & Honours

Dr. Cynthia Whitehead is the recipient of the 2024 Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy Leadership in Pharmaceutical Sciences Award.

Dr. Giovanna Sirianni has been selected by Temerty Faculty of Medicine to receive the CAME Certificate of Merit.

Dr. Lindsay Herzog has received the 2024 CFPC Early Career Development Award from the Foundation for Advancing Family Medicine (FAFM) of the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC). This award acknowledges the efforts and outstanding contributions of new family physician leaders in their first five years in family medicine practice. 

Congratulations to the recipients of the 2024 DFCM Awards of Excellence in Education Scholarship:

  • Dr. Gurpreet Mand – Newly Engaged Clinician Educator Scholar
  • Dr. Batya Grundland – Senior Clinician Educator Scholar
  • Dr. Tavis Apramian – Education Scientist
  • Dr. Mahan Kulasegaram – Senior Education Scientist

Dr. Cindy Sinclair was awarded the U of T African Alumni Association 2024 distinguished African-Caribbean Award and was featured in the Guyana Chronicle in celebration of Mother's Day. An impressive example to her sons - Guyana Chronicle. 

Dr. Jill Dombroski is one of two winners of the 2024 Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies Dissertation Award for her thesis: About dying and death: Thanatology’s place in medical curriculum. 

Dr. Joyce Nyhof-Young was awarded a 2024 Women’s College Hospital Research Mentor Award on April 18. This award honours researchers who have made significant contributions by sharing their knowledge and passion for research and innovation with trainees, colleagues, and staff.

Dr. Praseedha Janakiram and her team have won the Helen Batty Award from the Centre for Faculty Development (excellence or innovation in program development and design) for their virtual online flipped classroom hybrid course: "Advancing Women's Excellence in Family Medicine". A Leadership program for new and emerging family physicians. 

Dr. Melissa Nutik has been selected as one of Temerty Medicine’s recipients of the 2023-2024 CAME Certificate of Merit. This award was established to promote, recognize, and reward faculty committed to medical education in Canadian medical schools.

At Reznick Week 2023, Dr. Mark Unger received the Best Rapid Report presentation for his project “The Compassionate Educational Tool: A communication model for patients receiving involuntary orders for mental health emergencies”. Authors: Rachel Sue-A-Quan, Maximilian Strauss, Aaron Orkin, Mark Unger.  

Dr. Betty Onyura received the Highest Rated presentation of the Wilson Centre Research Rounds 2022-2023 for her presentation entitled “Discourse of Evaluation as a Social Practice.” 

Congratulations to the 2023 recipients of the DFCM Awards of Excellence in Education Scholarship:

  • Dr. Karina Prucnal - New Clinician Scholar
  • Dr. Giovanna Sirianni - Senior Clinician Scholar

And congratulations to Dr. Batya Grundland and the ViCCTR Team (Risa Freeman, Mahan Kulasegaram, Maria Mylopoulos, Nikki Woods, Karina Prucnal) for receiving the DFCM Award of Excellence in Development and Use of Innovative Instructional Methods (fully affiliated).

Congratulations to Dr. Nicole Woods and Dr. Katherine Rouleau, our OES Team members who have been promoted to Full Professor!

Dr. Cynthia Whitehead has been awarded the 2023 CAME Ian Hart Award for Distinguished Contribution to Medical Education. This award recognizes senior faculty who have made an exceptional contribution to medical education throughout their academic career. CAME website notice.

Dr. Warren Rubenstein received the 2022 Charles Mickle Fellowship. This award recognizes a member of the medical profession who has done the most within the preceding 10 years to advance and promote sound knowledge of a practical kind in medical art or science. Dr. Rubenstein presented the Charles Mickle address on “The End of Feedback” at the All Program Directors and Family Medicine Site Directors Spring Meeting on May 27.

Congratulations to this year’s recipients of the DFCM Awards of Excellence in Education Scholarship:

  • Dr. Lindsay Herzog, Newly Engaged Clinician Educator Scholar, DFCM Award of Excellence, 2022.
  • Dr. Milena Forte, Senior Clinician Educator Scholar, DFCM Award of Excellence, 2022.
  • Dr. Fok Han Leung, Senior Education Scientist, DFCM Award of Excellence, 2022.

Dr. Risa Bordman, received the College of Family Physicians of Canada Award of Excellence, 2022. This award recognizes CFPC members who, in the past 24 months, have made outstanding contributions to academic family medicine.

Dr. Sarah Wright, received the 2022 Academic Medicine Excellence in Reviewing Award.  These awards recognize peer reviewers for Academic Medicine who have consistently demonstrated excellence in the peer review process.

Cynthia Whitehead Award for Best Education Scholarship Publication 

Nominations are now closed for 2025.

The purpose of this award is to recognize DFCM faculty who have made an impactful contribution to Family Medicine Education and/or Health Professions Education Scholarship through dissemination in a peer-reviewed publication (journal, peer-reviewed book, peer-reviewed depository). Other forms of peer-reviewed dissemination may be eligible at the selection committee's discretion.

This award is named in honour of Dr. Cynthia Whitehead, DFCM’s inaugural Vice-Chair of Education and Director, Office of Education Scholarship. She is a highly regarded scholar in medical education.


All DFCM faculty who are principal or senior authors of a publication in health professions education scholarship are eligible to submit a peer-reviewed publication that has been published in the previous calendar year. Submissions that are accepted online before publication or before assignment to an issue will only be accepted in the calendar year they are officially published. Two awards will be given each year. Self-nominations are permitted. 

Criteria for adjudication:

  1. Novelty and/or significance of the research question, innovation, evaluation, or scholarly issue addressed in the publication
  2. Rigour and appropriateness of the methodology, design, and analysis
  3. The potential impact of the publication including but not limited to the relevance of the results to theory and practice, contributions to new knowledge in health professions education, and the scope of the publication (e.g. international journal).
  4. Clarity and quality of writing

The award winners are chosen by the OES consultation team. Nominators may submit multiple papers for the same principal or senior author but only one submission per nominated individual will be recognized.

Nominations should include:

1.      Name of the principal or senior author, and DFCM affiliation

2.      A copy of the publication along with relevant DOI


Please email all nominations to