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Mentorship Resources
Explore our many resources for mentors and mentees to help you excel in your role. Click the accordion links below for each category.
Introductory Guide to Mentorship
Mentorship Resource Package (introductory guide for all mentors and mentees). Includes the following:
For Mentees
You don’t need a mentor; you need a board of directors (Jonathan Sherbino, MD MEd)
Harvard Medical School - Mentoring Perspectives: Tips for Mentees (videos)
Virtual Meeting Best Practices (PDF)
First Five Years of Practice Resource (PPT) - Mentorship Slides_Dr. Zhou.ppt
For Mentors
How Mentor Identity Evolves: Findings From a 10-Year Follow-up Study of a National Professional Development Program (Dorene F. Balmer, PhD, Alix Darden, PhD, MEd, Latha Chandran, MD, Donna D’Alessandro, MD, and Maryellen E. Gusic, MD)
UofT StudentLife: Mentoring Skills Inventory (worksheet)
Harvard Medical School - Ask the Mentor: Tips for Mentors (web article)
Novoresume: 7 Ways to Improve your Active Listening Skills (web article)
UofT Alumni - How to be an Ideal Mentor (web article)
General Resources
Mentorship perceptions and experiences among academic family medicine faculty: Findings from a quantitative, comprehensive work-life and leadership survey (Barbara Stubbs MD CCFP FCFP Paul Krueger MHSc MSc PhD David White MD CCFP FCFP Christopher Meaney MSc Jeffrey Kwong MD MSc CCFP FRCPC Viola Antao MD CCFP MHSc)
Luck of Destiny: How My Accidental Mentor Took Me From Impostor to Scholar (Carrie Bernard, MD, MPH)
Faculty Wellness: Access wellness resources here.
Promotion information: Faculty Promotions Manual and DFCM Promotions website
Helpful Videos
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