COVID-19 Updates and Resources for Faculty, Staff and Residents
The University of Toronto Department of Family and Community Medicine recognizes that a lot of information is being sent to our students, residents, faculty and staff during this unprecedented time. Below are announcements and links to resources specifically relating to family medicine that we hope will be useful to you.
Currently, DFCM staff are all working from home but are there to assist you. To see a list of contacts, go to our Contact Us page.
Are we missing something? Do you have something you have created at your hospital site or clinic that would be useful to share? Email to add it to the list.
Do you have a story to share? Visit our new blog page where we will be sharing stories from the frontlines.
Confused about COVID? Family doctors answer your questions
Family doctors from DFCM and the Ontario College of Family Physicians answer common questions about the changing COVID-19 situation including:
- How do I know if I have COVID?
- Do I need to self-isolate?
- When should I call my doctor?
U of T Re-Opening Updates
The latest information and resources about teaching and learning can be found on the University of Toronto's website, including an update on preparing for a safe return to in-person activities for the Winter 2022 term, and U of T's vaccination requirements for students, staff, faculty and librarians.
Please see the University's plan for returning to campus in "UTogether2020: A Roadmap for the University of Toronto" here.
Wellness Resources
Workload and Wellbeing
- Best practices and suggestions compiled by senior leaders at U of T can be found on our Wellness Resources page.
COVID-19-Related Wellness Resources
- Wellness Tips and Best Practices for Working at U of T (Wellness Memo by U of T Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture)
- Mental Health and Psychosocial Considerations During COVID-19 Outbreak (World Health Organization)
- Mental health resources for patients and for doctors (developed by DFCM and the Ontario College of Family Physicians)
- Ways of finding happiness in challenging times (Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre)
- Three steps to coping with anything (including COVID-19) (Drs. Bob Maunder and Jon Hunter - Mount Sinai Hospital)
- Mental Health and the COVID-19 Pandemic (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health)
Resources for Faculty
- Visit the Faculty Wellness page for a list of resources for faculty.
Resources for Residents
- UofT Postgraduate Wellness Office: Please contact or (416) 946-3074 or access their wellness resources here
- PARO 24-hour Helpline: 1-866-HELP-DOC (1-866-435-7362)
- Physician Health Program Confidential help line: 1-800-851-6606
- A confidential service providing assistance on issues, such as stress, burnout, mental health, and substance use issues, to both physicians and their families. They offer expedited referrals to third party providers with expertise in physician health.
- COVID-19 Resources for Residents Infographic (created and compiled by residents at the University of Toronto)
Virtual Care Educational Resources for Faculty, Residents & Medical Students
Faculty Development resources to assist with virtual teaching
- Visit the Virtual Teaching and Supervision page for a list of resources.
Virtual Care Resources
- The COVID 19 Pivot: Adapting our Practice to Virtual Care (College of Family Physicians of Canada)
- COVID 19: a remote assessment in primary care (BMJ 2020)
- COVID-19: Remote Consultations - A quick guide to assessing patients by video or voice call (Ontario College of Family Physicians)
- Telemedicine: The Essentials (University of Toronto Centre for Faculty Development)
- Virtual Care Playbook (CFPC, RCPSC, CMA)
- Telemedicine modules & resources (Department of Family Medicine, McGill University)
- Consent for Virtual Care (Ontario Medical Association)
- Virtual Care Handbook for Family Medicine Residents (DFCM)
- When and how to conduct sensitive examinations in a virtual care environment (DFCM)
Family Medicine Resident Supplementary Educational Materials
General Primary Care Topics
- FMF Live On Demand Virtual Education (College of Family Physicians of Canada)
- The Hub (University of Toronto)
Redeployment Resources
- A Resident Guide to Redeployment (created by Marlee Klaiman and Zainab Najarali, DFCM)
Women’s Health
- Online courses about women's health (login required) (Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada)
- Primary Care Provider Care Guide: Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault
Maternity Care
- Weight gain in pregnancy (online course) (Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary)
- 5 A’s of Healthy Pregnancy Weight Gain (online module) (Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia)
- Latching On: How Family Physicians Can Support Breastfeeding Patients (online module) (Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia)
- Not Just The Blues: Perinatal Depression and Anxiety (online course) (Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia)
- Fundamentals of Fetal Health Surveillance (self-learning online manual) (Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia)
Indigenous Health
- Lecture by Dr. Amy Montour at McMaster on Culturally Sensitive Care (MacGlObAs, McMaster University)
- Indigenous Relationship and Cultural Safety Courses (Cancer Care Ontario)
- An Indigenous Women’s Reproductive Health Curriculum (Hearing Our Voices)
Emergency Medicine
- Emergency Medicine Resources (Mount Sinai Hospital)
- Opioids Clinical Primer (machealth)
- Clinical Care Guidance (British Columbia Centre on Substance Use)
- Online Opioid Self-Assessment Program (University Health Network)
- Grow and meet your Sport Medicine and Musculoskeletal (MSK) Education needs (Sport Med School)
- A New Approach to the Management of Osteoarthritis (College of Family Physicians of Canada)
- Rheumtutor: online educational resource about rheumatology (Rheumtutor)
- MSK Matters - A sport and exercise medicine podcast for Canadian medical residents and senior medical students (hosted by Dr. Ali Rendely, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute)
Palliative Care
- COVID-19 Palliative Care Modules (Pallium Canada)
Practice Management
- Physician Learning Modules (WSIB Ontario)
Read the COVID-19 Research FAQ from the Division of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation.
Find resources and information on the Temerty Faculty of Medicine's Research & Clinical Education During COVID page.
For upcoming Research Rounds, please see the DFCM events page.
COVID-19 Research Links
- Global Research on Coronavirus Disease (World Health Organization)
- Responding to Covid-19 — A Once-in-a-Century Pandemic? (New England Journal of Medicine)
Vaccine Resources
For Health Professionals
- 19 to Zero (resources to support vaccine uptake and safe COVID behaviour)
- Addressing vaccine hesitancy (video - OMA, DFCM, CEP)
For Patients
- What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccines (available in multiple languages, including Amharic, Arabic, Bangla, English, French, Punjabi, Simplified Chinese, Somali, Spanish, Tamil, Tigrinya and Traditional Chinese)
- How did we get COVID-19 vaccines so fast? (available in multiple languages, including Amharic, Arabic, English, French, Hindi, Punjabi, Simplified Chinese, Swahili, Traditional Chinese, Urdu)