This award will provide a junior faculty member with protected time to research, prepare, and disseminate a lecture or workshop on a change-related topic. It is anticipated that presentation venues will include DFCM local units and events as well as provincial, national, and international events. Ideally, the education initiative and related discussion will provide material for a scholarly publication. The award recipient will be supported for a half-day every week, for one year, with the support split equally between the DFCM and the recipient’s home division. Potential nominees are advised to speak to their site Chief in advance of the dossier submission.
Any DFCM faculty member in the first 5 years of appointment, not including parental or other forms of leave, is eligible.
The selection committee will consider the following criteria based on a proposal’s capacity to:
Nominations can be made by any faculty or staff member of the DFCM, including self-nomination. The nominations will be considered by the DFCM Central Awards Committee. The nominator is responsible for the collection and submission of the award nomination package and informing the nominee of their nomination.
Nominations for a DFCM Award of Excellence must include the following:
Please download the nomination form and include it in the nomination package:
1. DFCM Awards of Excellence Nomination Form_FINAL.docx
Please submit by email the completed nomination form and corresponding award application documentation in a single PDF file by April 15 (annually) to