Departmental Awards: Excellence in Education Scholarship
Four awards available. One recipient will be selected for each of the following awards:
- Newly Engaged Clinician Educator Scholar
- Senior Clinician Educator Scholar
- Education Scientist
- Senior Education Scientist
"Education Scholarship is an umbrella term which can encompass both research and innovation in health professions education. Quality in education scholarship is attained through work that is: peer-reviewed, publicly disseminated and provides a platform that others can build on."
The purpose of these awards is to acknowledge faculty who have made (an) outstanding contribution(s) to education scholarship and knowledge building in family medicine within the last three years. The contribution(s) are expected to exemplify innovation and impact and may encompass any aspect of family medicine education scholarship, including:
- Teaching (The search for innovative approaches and best practices to develop skills and disseminate knowledge)
- Integration (Synthesizing knowledge across disciplines, showing relationships, and interconnecting knowledge into concepts and structures)
- Application (Using knowledge to solve actual real-world problems)
- Discovery (The search for and/or production of new knowledge, information, and models, usually through research)
Anyone with a Department of Family and Community Medicine (DFCM) faculty appointment is eligible for nomination. There are four awards available each year. Previous award winners cannot win the award again in the same category but a faculty member can be awarded both Clinician Educator or both Education Scientist awards over time.
- Newly Engaged Clinician Educator Scholar: nominee must not have served as PI or Co-PI on more than two previously funded education research grants, and not published more than two medical education papers as Principal or Co-Principal Author. If the nominee feels that they are newly engaged in education scholarship but do not meet these criteria, they are welcome to contact the Office of Education Scholarship (OES) with their rationale. The OES Director will review and make a determination about eligibility.
- Senior Clinician Educator Scholar: nominee will have an extensive track record of education scholarship
- Education Scientist*: nominee must have held a DFCM faculty appointment not exceeding 60 months, not including parental or other forms of leave
- Senior Education Scientist*: nominee will have held a faculty appointment for greater than 60 months
*Education Scientists are faculty who have 70% or greater protected time to engage in research in medical or health professions education, or relevant fields.
The selection committee will consider the following criteria:
- Demonstration of an innovative contribution to the scholarship of teaching, integration, application or discovery in family medicine. Contributions may be in any program area including Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Graduate, Postdoctoral, Faculty Development and Continuing Medical Education
- Education Innovations in the Scholarship of Teaching may include, but are not limited to, any of the following:
- Curriculum and course development
- Development of effective educational materials
- Development of conceptual frameworks
- Assessment and evaluation of curricula, learners, faculty and programs
- Leadership
- Mentorship
- Education Innovations in the Scholarship of Integration, Application or Discovery may include but are not limited to, any of the following:
- Original education research
- Evidence syntheses/reviews of research within or across disciplines
- Creation of original tools, education research methodologies
- Evidence of Impact and/or Dissemination maybe in any of the following areas:
- Grants
- Presentations (lectures, posters, oral papers, workshops, seminars, symposia, panel discussions, web based, social media, dramatic presentations, etc.)
- Publication in peer-reviewed journals or other peer-reviewed repositories
- Book chapters etc.
- Nominations can be made by any faculty or staff member of the DFCM, including self-nomination
- The nominations will be considered by the DFCM Central Awards Committee.
- The nominator is responsible for all the collection and submission of the award nomination package and informing the nominee of their nomination.
Nominations for these DFCM Awards of Excellence must include the following:
- Indication of which of the above four awards the nominee is being considered for
- Completed nomination form that includes the supporting signature of a teaching site Chief, DFCM Program Director, Division Head or Supervisor.
- A letter describing how the nominee meets the above selection criteria along with evidence to support the impact of education scholarship (e.g. how it has changed practice, editorial recognitions, publications in high impact journals, citation indices such as h-index).
- CV
- Additional material documenting evidence of excellence may be submitted. A maximum of 3 additional documents can be added to the nomination. These may include letters of support, project proposals, educational materials, etc.
Please download the form and include it in the nomination package:
1. DFCM Awards of Excellence Nomination Form_FINAL.docx
Please submit by email the completed nomination form and corresponding award application documentation in a single PDF file by April 15 (annually) to