Enhanced Skills Program: Global Health and Vulnerable Populations Goals and Objectives Inner City Health

During this rotation, residents will develop familiarity with standards of care, as relevant to primary care, in screening, counselling, and assessment of inner city patients. They will also learn to utilize appropriate community resources, as needed, to provide supportive patient care.

Medical Expert

The PGY3 resident will:

  • Perform a culturally sensitive history with attention to the patient's concerns and conduct a relevant physical exam ensuring that the patient feels safe
  • Assess for common medical co-morbidities (e.g. psychiatric, substance abuse) using sensitive and respectful language, appropriate for the patient's level of education
  • Order appropriate tests based on patient's presentation, and accurately interpret results of laboratory or other investigations
  • Use DSM V criteria to identify mental disorders and develop an appropriate treatment plan
  • Use preventative and therapeutic interventions appropriate for the population and community served


The PGY3 resident will:

  • Display effective, timely, professional and non-judgemental communication skills (both written and verbal), including: communicating with patients and families, documentation, and use of EMR systems
  • Provide counselling based on the principles of motivational interviewing, particularly for smokers, problem drinkers and alcohol-dependent patients
  • Communicate results to patients using appropriate language and explanations
  • Develop trust, rapport and therapeutic relationships with patients
  • Discuss the patient's beliefs, concerns, illness experience and specifically focus on the patient's expectations
  • Demonstrate skills in working with patients to overcome communications challenges including anger, confusion, sensory or cognitive impairment, socio-economic or ethno-cultural differences
  • Skillfully recognize and manage communication challenges


The PGY3 resident will:

  • Work inter-professionally, including with social work or other specialists involved in the patient's care
  • Participate effectively and appropriately in an interprofessional healthcare team caring for vulnerable populations
  • Collaborate with community agencies as required


The PGY3 resident will:

  • Carry out appropriate clinical services in the context of limited resources
  • Demonstrate effective organizational abilities (incl. time management, handling multiple responsibilities)

Health Advocate

The PGY3 resident will:

  • Assess, plan, provide and integrate care appropriate to the patients’ locales
  • Establish and ensure appropriate support systems and follow-up for sustained culturally appropriate care
  • Advocate effectively for the biopsychosocial needs of patients and their families within the health care system and community
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the impact and correlation of the determinants of health to patient's overall healthcare


The PGY3 resident will:

  • Critically appraise medical information and its sources, and apply the relevant information to medical practice
  • Keep up to date with new information and research in the field of inner city healthcare


The PGY3 resident will:

  • Exhibit professional behaviours in practising including reliability, compassion, respect, and commitment to patient well being
  • Demonstrate a commitment to patients and their families, colleagues, their profession and to society through ethical and reflective practice