Nov 9, 2022  |  2:00pm - 3:00pm

Breast Cancer Survivorship: A Comprehensive Evidence-Based Review (In-Person Session at FMF 2022)


Breast Cancer Survivorship: A Comprehensive Evidence-Based Review (Session ID: 95)
Family Medicine Forum
Metro Toronto Convention Centre South, 222 Bremner Blvd, Toronto

Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2022 (In-Person)
2:00–3:00pm ET

Presented by Dr. Muna Alkhaifi: DFCM Assistant Professor and Physician Lead of the Breast Cancer Follow-Up and Survivorship Care Program, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. 

Learning objectives:

At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to:

  1. Outline evidence-based key recommendations on breast cancer survivorship care in primary care
  2. Discuss the common physical and psychological side effects of cancer therapies and appropriate management
  3. Counsel patients on breast cancer recurrence risk reduction with emphasis on lifestyle modification


Long-term survival rates after a diagnosis of breast cancer are steadily rising. There has been a progressive shift in the care of stable breast cancer survivors to the domain of primary care. Primary care providers need to be comfortable providing survivorship care and managing physical and psychosocial side effects of cancer treatment. This will help establish a smooth transition from a patient with breast cancer to a survivor of breast cancer while providing ongoing and future guidance.

The objective of this session would be to review evidence-based practices, to enable and support the provision of this care. Four aspects of this care will be highlighted in this session: care knowledge and coordination, cancer surveillance, management of long-term side effects of treatment, and health promotion.

Evidence-based key recommendations on breast cancer survivorship care will be presented. Participants will leave with a framework for addressing and managing long-term physical and psychological side effects of breast cancer therapies. Guideline-based applications, websites and resources will be highlighted as tools for providing high-quality and standardized care for patients who have had breast cancer. The presenter will share a few videos of real patients’ stories and discuss her own experience with breast cancer survivors. Finally, will review key recommendations and current evidence on how to counsel survivors on breast cancer recurrence risk reduction with emphasis on lifestyle modification.

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