Nov 30 - Dec 1, 2023  |  ALL DAY

Celebration of Education Scholarship

Registration now open!  REGISTER HERE

Theme: A Celebration of the Office of Education Scholarship

Read about our speakers and panelists  | Full Program

We are excited to have Dr. Nicole Woods deliver the Fireside Chat on the evening of November 30. Dr. Woods is a Senior Education Scientist in the Office of Education Scholarship and was recently promoted to Professor in DFCM.  She is also the Director of the Institute for Education Research (TIER) at University Health Network. Dr. Woods’ research focuses on understanding the integration of basic and clinical sciences in clinical reasoning. She uses theories from cognitive psychology to understand the mental processes and structures that underpin expertise across the health professions. This talk will provide an overview of Dr. Woods’ career journey and how her research program has developed over the years.

 On the morning of December 1, Dr. Mahan Kulasegaram and a panel of OES faculty will discuss The Future of the OES: Building Capacity through Curiosity.  They’ll lead us in an exploration of the current issues facing family medicine education and how we can continue to address them through research and scholarship in our rapidly changing context. 

 We are particularly looking forward to hearing from our participants in small discussion groups, as they envision how their own areas of interest, challenges, and project ideas can contribute to future scholarly work. This promises to be a landmark event that will launch an exciting new era of scholarship at DFCM. 

 All DFCM faculty members are warmly invited to attend all or any of the sessions. 

Accreditation | College of Family Physicians of Canada – Mainpro+: This one-credit-per-hour Group Learning program meets the certification criteria of the College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been certified by Continuing Professional Development, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto for up to 4.5 Mainpro+ credits.

Presented by the Office of Education Scholarship, Department of Family and Community Medicine