Sep 22-23, 2023  |  ALL DAY



META:PHI (Mentoring, Education and Clinical Tools for Education: Partners in Healthcare Innovation) is a provincial initiative to improve the delivery of high-quality care for people across Ontario who use substances through advocacy, education, networking and guideline development, as well as RAAM clinic oversight.

The META:PHI 2023 online conference will take place Sept 22-23, 2023, and consists of interactive, online learning and discussion focused on advancing care for people who use substances. The conference will be of interest to clinicians, faculty and learners with interest in substance use, whether they have previous experience or not, from primary care, internal medicine, emergency medicine, and psychiatry. Attendees can choose from an eclectic array of 15 minute Snapshots, 1 hour Talks, and 2 hour Workshops, featuring clinical, policy, and RAAM-related issues.

This year’s conference has several sessions on emergency department care, including META:PHI’s new ED Alcohol Use Disorder Toolkit.  

Full agenda, pricing, bursary, and registration details are available on our website

We invite registration by July 31 to take advantage of our early-bird rates.

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