Debra A. Butt

With the DFCM since 2000
DFCM Associate Professor
Affiliations: The Scarborough Health Network
Degrees: University of Toronto MD; University of Toronto MSc Clinical Epidemiology
Research Synopsis
Dr. Butt's interests include primary health care research, women's health, osteoporosis, and the care of the elderly. Dr. Butt also does research with electronic medical records and health care administrative databases as they pertain to various medical conditions in primary care. Example research projects include examining the relationship between bone mineral density, fractures and falls with respect to medication use in the elderly, exercises to prevent osteoporotic fractures, enhancing the use of electronic medical records in primary care via a data presentation tool, and in the validation of various medical conditions.
Honours and Awards
2012: ASBMR Young Investigator Award, American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. Awarded to best international abstract in clinical research pertaining to bone health. Only recipient from Canada.
2006: NAMS New Investigator Research Award, North American Menopause Society, Tennessee, United States.
Awarded to best international abstract in the field of menopause. Only four New Investigator awards were presented. Only recipient in the category of clinical research from Canada.
2013: Outstanding Research Publication Award, Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto.
2008: Outstanding Research Publication Award, Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto.
2017–2021: Tu K, Lix L, Butt DA, Jaakkimainen L, Reimer K, Smith M, Singer M, Katz A, Widdifield J. Validating Administrative Data Algorithms to Identify Patients with Chronic Diseases-Ontario, Manitoba, and British Columbia team. Public Health Agency of Canada. 500,000 CAD.
2017-2018: Tu K, Bernatsky S, Hawker G, Bombardier C, Butt DA, Ivers N, Jaakkimainen L, Jenkinson R, Kreder H, Kuriya B, Meaney C, Paterson M, Pope J, Ravi B, Thorne C, Thomlinson G, Wasserstein D, Widdifield J. Leveraging Electronic Medical Records and Health Administrative Data to Evaluate Patient Care and Outcomes in Osteoarthritis. Canadian Institutes of Health Research 100,000 CAD.
2017-2018: Giangregorio L, Ashe M, Bauman A, Brien S, Butt D, Canfield C, d’ Avernas J, Faulkner G, Funnel L, Jain R, Mehan U, Milligan J, Mitchell S, Windt R, Ashe M, Chilibeck P, Faulkner G, Papaioannou A. Patient-Oriented Implementation Science on Exercise (POISE). Canadian Institutes of Health Research. 24,993 CAD.
2016-2018: Drummond N, Birtwhistle R. Principal investigator for UTOPIAN, Toronto, Ontario: Butt DA. Co-PI: Greiver M. The Implementation of the “CPCSSN Data Presentation Tool” in primary care clinics to enhance the Surveillance, Prevention and Management of Chronic Disease. Public Health Agency of Canada. 1,000,000 CAD.
2015-2016: Tu K, Bernatsky S, Hawker G, Kreder H, Bombardier C, Butt DA, Ivers N, Jaakkimainen L, Jenkinson R, Kuriya B, Morris Q, Paterson M, Pope J, Ravi B, Thorne C, Tomlinson G, Wasserstein D, Widdifield J. Leveraging EMRs and Health Administrative Data to Evaluate Patient Care and Outcomes in Rheumatic Diseases. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. 100,000 CAD.
2014-2016: Tu K, Tobe, S, Ivers N, Jaakkimainen L, Butt DA. Measuring Performance in Vascular Disease Management in Primary Care Setting based on the Canadian Cardiovascular Harmonization of National Guidelines Endeavour. Canadian Vascular Network Seed Funding Grant Application. Canadian Vascular Network/CIHR and C-Change eHealth. 183,500 CAD.
2013-2016: Jaakkimainen L, Barnsley J, Bronskill S, Butt DA, Del Giudice L, Durbin J, Glazier RH, Ivers N, Tu K, Upshur R. Measuring wait times along the pathways of care in primary care. Canadian Institutes of Health Research.448,802 CAD.
2013-2016: Dante M, Tu K, Bhatia S, Butt DA, Meshkat N, Leblanc K, Thorpe K, Dorian P, Ivers N, Valentinis A, Saposnik G, Gladstone D, Jaakkimainen L. Improving Stroke Prevention for Patients with Atrial Fibrillation in Primary Care. Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. 211,261 CAD.