Jeremy Rezmovitz

DFCM Assistant Professor
Lead for CPD and Innovation, DFCM
Chair, PriMed Planning Committee 2020
MD, Bruce and Ruth Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, American Program, Technion Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
MSc, Interdisciplinary Studies in Biological and Physical Science, MS/MD joint program, Touro College, Bayshore, Long Island, New York, United States
MSc, Human Kinetics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
BSc, Specialized Honours in Kinesiology and Health Science, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Research Synopsis
Dr. Rezmovitz's interests include education scholarship looking at tools of engagement including eLearning and medical improv. He is also involved with projects encompassing, shared decision making, exercise and stroke, role modelling professionalism, and office technology efficiency.
Honours and Awards
Distinctions and Research Awards
2016 Early Career Development Award, College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC).
2015 Louise Nasmith Award DFCM Departmental Award, University of Toronto. (Distinction)
2014 Oct Best Podium Presentation, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (Distinction)
“Use of an iPad App as a Teaching Tool in Family Practice” 3rd Annual Sunnybrook Education Conference: Technology-Enhanced Learning, October 17, 2014.
2011 Certificate of Academic Achievement, Postgraduate Family Medicine Resident Award, Department of Family Medicine, University of Toronto. (Distinction)
2011 J. Hilditch Resident Research Project Award, Department of Family Medicine, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, University of Toronto. (Distinction)
2010 - 2011 Chief Resident, Postgraduate Family Medicine Program, Department of Family and Community Medicine (Sunnybrook Health Science Centre), University of Toronto. (Distinction)
2006 - 2008 Medical School Class Representative, American Medical Program, Technion, Haifa, Israel. (Distinction)
1999 Magna Copy Scholarship for demonstrated leadership qualities and high academic achievement, School of Physical Education, York University. (Distinction)
1996 - 1999 Honour Roll, School of Physical Education, York University. (Distinction)
1996 - 1998 Dean’s Honour List, York University. (Distinction)
1995 Entrance Scholarship, York University. (Distinction)
2013 Louise Nasmith Award DFCM Departmental Award, University of Toronto. (Distinction)
Teaching and Education Awards
2014 Excellence for New Teacher Award, Dept of Family & Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. (Postgraduate MD)
2013 Award for New Teacher, Faculty of Medicine, Sunnybrook Hospital, University of Toronto. (Undergraduate MD)
2011 Award for Teaching Excellence, Postgraduate Family Medicine Resident Award, Dept of Family & Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. (Postgraduate MD, Core Program)
2015 2014-2015 Peters-Boyd Academy Student and Teaching Award,
Nominated for a 2014-2015 Peters-Boyd Academy Student and Teaching Award for contributions to the Art and Science of Clinical Medicine I, (ASCM I). Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. (Undergraduate MD)
2013 2012 -2013 Peters Boyd Academy Student and Teaching Award,
Nominated for a 2012-2013 Peters-Boyd Academy Student and Teaching Award for contributions to the Art and Science of Clinical Medicine I, (ASCM I).Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. (Undergraduate MD)
2015 Jul - 2016 Jun
Principal Investigator. Pilot Needs Assessment and Usability Testing of an eLearning Mobile Application for Procedural Skill Acquisition and Training for Residents and Teachers. DFCM, University of Toronto. UTOPIAN Ideas to Proposal Small Grant. Collaborator(s): Dr. Ryan Brydges, Dr. Kulamakan (Mahan) Kulasegaram, Dr. Ian MacPhee, Dr. John Maxted, Dr. Dimitrios Tsirigotis, Dr. Tuhina Biswas, Dr. Sharon Domb, Dr. Anne Wideman, Dr. Risa Freeman. 14,653.86 CAD. [Grants]
2012 Principal Investigator. Preparing residents for procedures using IPAD technology. University of Toronto. Education Scholarship Grant, DFCM. Collaborator(s): MacPhee, I, Trinos, B. 5,000 CAD. [Grants]
Non Peer Reviewed
2016 Education Scholar Grant. Sunnybrook Education Advisory Council (SEAC) award to fund additional training in the “Health Professionals Education Research Fundamentals” at the Wilson Centre.
2014 Nov Principal Investigator. Using Technology to enhance learning and teaching procedures. Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre (Toronto, ON). SHUTC, Department of Education. 15,000 CAD. [Grants]