Viola Antao

Research Synopsis
Research Statement.
Family Medicine education is dependent on faculty performing dual roles as clinicians as well as teachers. Supporting teachers in their roles as preceptors is fundamental however often neglected due to demands inherent in clinical work. Examining the needs and gaps in faculty development and creating innovative and relevant resources to support teachers in medical education are key elements of my scholarly research. The focus of my research draws largely on my extensive experience and productivity related to faculty development.
2011 Jul - 2012 Jun Co-Principal Investigator. Optimizing Family Medicine Education: Exploring the Educational Training and Role of Academic Non-Physician Health Care Professionals. University of Toronto. Education Development Fund. PI: Dr. Viola Antao, Ms. Serena Beber. Collaborator(s): Dr. Jamie Meuser. 15,000 CAD. [Grants]
2005 Jul - 2006 Jun Co-Principal Investigator. Development and Implementation of BASICS a Faculty Development Program for New Teachers. University of Toronto. Dean’s Excellence Fund for Innovation in Medical Education. PI: Viola Antao, Jamie Meuser. 17,500 CAD. [Grants]