Family Medicine & Enhanced Skills (FAMES) Integrated 3-Year Program (I3P)

**This program is only open to PGY1 residents enrolled at the University of Toronto**

DFCM Family Medicine and Enhanced Skills (FAM-ES) Integrated 3-Year Program 


Two positions are available: one in Palliative Care and one in Sport & Exercise Medicine. The FAM-ES program will integrate PGY3 content (either Palliative Care or Sport & Exercise Medicine) alongside core family medicine during the PGY2 and PGY3 years of training. Upon completion of FAM-ES, graduates are eligible to apply for the appropriate CCFP PGY3 designation. Graduates will write their CCFP Family Medicine certification exam in the fall or spring of their PGY3 year.

Residents who join the FAM-ES program will be ineligible to apply for further Enhanced Skills training at the DFCM after completion of the integrated program.

Our vision through FAM-ES is to graduate family physicians providing comprehensive care and meeting complex patient needs. Our objectives are to train physicians who:

  • Provide comprehensive, team-based family practice
  • Address needs of communities, and
  • Provide enhanced clinical care to meet the needs of complex patient populations

We are looking for keen, self-directed, flexible learners interested in integrating either Palliative Care or Sport & Exercise Medicine in their residency and their future comprehensive care practice. Participants will also be part of program evaluation and education scholarship related to the FAM-ES program. Prior electives in Palliative Care or Sport & Exercise Medicine are not required as part of the application.

How to apply to FAM-ES I3P

Please speak with your Site Program Director to ensure his or her support for making the necessary scheduling arrangements so that your core and PGY3 training can be integrated smoothly. We expect that there will be flexibility in programming, and opportunities for self-direction. Note that depending on your home site, you may be required to travel to other GTA sites for certain rotations. 

Interviews will be held in April 2025 and candidates will be notified early to mid-May 2025. The FAM-ES Program will commence on August 25, 2025. 

Applications will be accepted between February 14, 2025 to March 31, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. Please submit the following documents by completing the Enhanced Skills Online Application Form (note that this link is only active during the application period):

  1. Curriculum Vitae
  2. Letter of Intent*
  3. Letter of Support from your Site Program Director, which includes a review of rotation assessments (i.e. ITERs) and a review of the resident’s communication skills, self-direction and professionalism.  
  4. One letter of reference from a PGY1 supervisor 

* Letter of Intent (Max 1000 words) : The purpose of the letter of intent is to inform the selection committee of your goals, career aspirations and skills that prepare you to be successful in completion of the FAM-ES program. Please include the following:

  • What are your career goals that would be supported by the FAM-ES program?
  • What skills have you developed that prepare you to be successful in this new program?
  • What are the learning objectives that you would like to pursue in the program?
  • What personal or professional characteristics make you a strong candidate for the program in its pilot phase?
  • Confirm that you are committed to completing the full three years of training, including sitting the CCFP exam in the PGY3 year
  • Confirm that you have spoken with your Site Program Director, have his or her support to participate and that they have agreed to write a letter of support
  • Confirm agreement to participate in the program evaluation and education scholarship related to the FAM-ES program                                                           

FAM-ES I3P information session

We will host a webinar for interested candidates on Monday, January 27, 2025, at 6:00 pm.

Register in advance by January 23, 2025 (link sent to PGY1 cohort by email). After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.  The PGY3 Program Directors and current residents from these programs will be available during the webinar to answer your questions. 

If you have further questions about the FAM-ES program, please contact Dr. Vaibhav Kamble ( or Dr. Stuart Murdoch (

Links to Enhanced Skills Program Descriptions: