I am worried about my performance on the Family Medicine Medical Expert Assessment of Progress FM-MAP) test.
The FM-MAP test is a formative assessment, intended to give you an indication of your progress in the Family Medicine Expert role. Your FM-MAP results are a tool for you to tailor your studying and future clinical experiences; they are not used as a summative assessment of your performance by the program. In other words, the FM-MAP is a low-stakes assessment that will help you to ensure you are prepared for higher-stakes assessments in your residency career.
Make sure you understand what your score indicates. In the report sent to you, you will see your percentage score overall and in each domain. The mean score for your PGY cohort is provided as a reference. Your performance has also been compared to that of your peers using zones. The zones are green, yellow and red. The green means there are no concerns and you are progressing well. Yellow and red may be indicative of some concerns, and we therefore strongly encourage you to meet with your site director if you fall within one of these two zones.
Both the resident and site director are provided results of the FM-MAP; the goal of the site director is the same as your own - to ensure that you are learning and prevent issues down the road by advising you how to approach areas of concern.
You are also welcome to contact the DFCM Postgraduate Program Director on our Contact page, if you would like to discuss your performance.