Oak Valley Health - Uxbridge Hospital

Integrated Communities - Uxbridge Markham Stream

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All residents in the Integrated Communities – Uxbridge Markham Stream spend their two years of residency in a hybrid model between Oak Valley Health Markham and Uxbridge sites. Family Medicine Residents constitute the majority of learners at these sites and all hospital-based rotations have a strong primary care focus. In their two years, residents will integrate their GTA Markham experience with the community site of Uxbridge, preparing learners to practice comprehensive Family Medicine anywhere.

Residents will meet regularly with the Integrated Communities – Uxbridge Markham program director or designate to allow input into the program as the year progresses. Elective time is built into both years of the Integrated Communities -Uxbridge Markham Stream for the residents to gain extra experience in any area of particular interest. All Family Medicine Residents in the Integrated Communities – Uxbridge Markham Stream will continue to participate with other DFCM residents in weekly Academic Half-Days as protected teaching time. Residents will have the option to join these teaching sessions virtually.  In addition to these Academic Half-Days, Family Medicine residents from all teaching sites will come together every few months for a focused day of seminars and lectures at the Central Core Days.

Uxbridge is conveniently located 28 minutes northeast of Markham and offers residents newly-built, modern facilities next to the GP-led hospital. Family Medicine Residents will follow a horizontal FM curriculum in Markham and Uxbridge over the two years during which they will work with different preceptors to learn different practice styles.

Residents will be able to develop a mini-practice of their own in Uxbridge which they will follow for the two years, preparing them for independent practice. Residents will also take advantage of the local community hospital and the community specialists to augment the learning occurring in the family practice unit. Uxbridge selectives with family physicians practicing women’s health, dermatology, psychotherapy, MSK procedures, pre-travel consultations and more are also available. Tightknit collaboration of full array of interdisciplinary professionals (midwives, physiotherapists, pharmacists, nurse practitioner and more) will be accessible to residents. 

While centrally set objectives and assessment standards are used across all University of Toronto hospital teaching sites, our Integrated Communities – Uxbridge Markham site has the distinct advantage to leverage local strengths and resources to deliver unique mix of learner-centered experiences.




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Aisha Husain
Site Director



Beverley Nutt
Site Administrator

