Interprofessional Applied Practical Teaching and Learning in the Health Professions (INTAPT)

INTAPT banner - Interested in developing your clinical teaching skills?

Accepting Applications for INTAPT 2025-26 - Apply now!

INTAPT: Interprofessional Applied Practical Teaching and Learning in the Health Professions is a survey course in clinical education that fosters excellence in clinical teaching by providing clinician teachers and educators with the foundational competencies and skills to develop and teach educational programs.

These courses are designed to provide participants with a broad introductory overview of clinical education, teaching, and learning issues in health professional training as a field of scholarly inquiry and research.

These courses will examine the major topics which are important in developing educational programs for health sciences and will introduce students to some of the important literature in the field of teaching and learning including as it is applied to practicum/field supervision.  It will also provide participants with opportunities to develop a scholarly and practical approach to teaching with generous use of case studies and in working in small groups and multidisciplinary teams. 

2025-26 Program Schedule:

Week 1: October 27 - October 31, 2025  AND

Week 2: February 23 - February 27, 2026

Apply early to reserve your spot!

View the one-page PDF here.

Course participants will:

  • Survey teaching and learning theories and issues in health professional training
  • Acquire skills to design and lead educational programs, such as lectures, courses or workshops, appropriate to their own setting
  • Synthesize a personal approach to teaching that is informed by theory and reflection
  • Select and implement comprehensive evaluation techniques linking education to health care professionals' performance and patient outcomes
  • Implement assessment methods for meaningful formative and summative feedback to faculty, peers and students
  • Critically analyze important literature in the field of teaching and learning as applied to practicum/field supervision
  • Practice skills in clinical education scholarship

A Certificate of Completion will be issued by the Office of Continuing Professional Development to participants who satisfactorily complete the program. Learners are evaluated on a pass / fail basis. There is no terminal examination or thesis.

Target Audience

This is an interprofessional course for current or prospective faculty members from any recognized health profession or specialty who are practicing in their fields. Learners must already be licensed and actively practicing in their fields as assignments require learners to draw from their own clinical experiences.

This course is particularly useful for those teaching as field preceptors or supervisors in clinical settings. Past participants have included nurses, physicians, pharmacists, dentists, occupational and physiotherapists, midwives, social workers and other health care practitioners.

Session Dates 

INTAPT is structured as a 2 week/10-day interactive longitudinal course delivered in person Fall-Winter term (full days 8:30am-4:30pm).

Schedule for 2024-25 session:

  • Week 1: Monday, October 21st - Friday, October 25th, 2024

  • Week 2: Monday, February 24th - Friday, February 28th, 2025

Program Requirements, Learning Activities & Projects

Class sessions with small and large group interactive teaching will prepare students for home study to complete assigned readings and individual and group projects.

Learning activities and projects include:

  • Learning contract
  • Scholarly reviews of books/educational website
  • Audio-visual taping and analysis of own teaching
  • Teaching log/journal and reflection report
  • Major academic paper with poster summary
  • Educational workshop small group project

These courses will be informed by a comprehensive bibliography in health professions education and model reflective practice, transformation theory, self-directed learning, learning styles, constructivism and other current clinical education concepts.

Course Instructors

  • Abbas Ghavam-Rassoul, Judith Peranson  (Course Co-Directors)
  • Helen P. Batty, Susanna Talarico, Marie Eason-Klatt, Shirley Lee, Don Melady, Nirtal Shah, Trish O'Brien, Baraa Alghalyini, Kathleen Doukas, Jennifer Lake

Student Testimonials

  • "I came in thinking I would learn "how to teach" but instead I came out with a new outlook/ approach to my career and self as a physician.”
  • “I wanted to bolster my skills and employ best practices in evidence-informed teaching. Learning the theories of adult learning was eye-opening. It reinforced much of what I was already doing and that gave me confidence, and the focus on experiential learning lessened the pressure to have to provide didactic teaching all the time."
  • “It is remarkable how well this course was organized. All the team members were very collaborative, respectful, and supportive.”
  • “One of the biggest takeaways is the importance of self-reflection, feedback, and how vital evaluations are. I feel much more confident in my abilities to instruct and create educational opportunities.”
  • “Good balance of didactics with interactive activities that helped keep us attentive, solidify the knowledge and engage in active learning making the experience worthwhile.”
  • “Excellent presenters who are passionate about their work. Inclusivity of diverse views included from other health professionals.”

Want to hear more? Read about Dr. Aisha Husain's experience with INTAPT and how it has supported her career development.

Program Fees

 Domestic Learners

Learner Type Fee (Canadian Dollars)
Standard fee for all Domestic learners except those categories listed below $6,000
Family Physicians including FM Emergency Physicians and FM Palliative Care providers $5,000
Royal College Residents and Fellows (University of Toronto) $5,000
DFCM Enhanced Skills Fellowship Program participants (PGY3) $3,500
Nurses and allied Health Care Professionals $3,000

International Learners

Learner Type Fee (Canadian Dollars)
Standard fee for all International learners except those categories listed below $8,500
Family physician or primary care provider $6,500
Nurses and allied health care professionals $5,000

Refund Policy

  • Withdrawal requests must be made in writing to the AFGS program
  • Cancelling a payment, failing to attend lectures, or advising the instructor that you will no longer attend does not constitute an official withdrawal
  • $100 processing fee will be charged on all withdrawals
Refunded amount Deadline to withdraw
100% less processing fee More than 30 days prior to the start of the course
90% less processing fee 30 days or less prior to the start of the course
No refund On or after the start of the course