Location: The Wrellen FHO, Scarborough, ON
Closing date: Open until filled
Preferred Start date: March 3, 2025
Duration of opportunity: 15 months
Six-member Wrellen FHO are seeking one or two long-term part-time locums for two of our physicians who are seeking to retire by June 2026. One applicant may cover both part time locums and replace both physicians for a 1600 patient Roster size OR two applicants may each cover one part time locum position and each replace one physician for a smaller roster size that can be easily increased.
Long-term, Part-time locum(s) needed for two gradually retiring Family Physicians in a 6-member FHO. FHO position(s) will be available after retirement. After hours care by locum is optional. Very generous remuneration with on-site support from physician. We have two clinic locations, both or which are Large, modern, paperless, well-equipped & spacious. Accuro EMR with free Accuro training available. Continuous 24/7 Bluebird IT support with Cyber-security, and DoctorCare Consulting services. This is an excellent opportunity to try out a practice first before taking it over along with coveted FHO position in the heart of Scarborough or East York. If interested, please email a brief message and your cv to ipolidoulis@healthymd.ca. We look forward to showing you around and welcoming you to our practice.
Renumeration: $150/hour
Required qualifications: Canadian trained physician(s) with CCFP
Please email a brief message and attach cv to: ipolidoulis@healthymd.ca