Oct 25, 2019

St. Michael’s Family Health Team wins award for unique approach to patient engagement

St. Michael's Hospital FHT

Danielle Pereira

Creating the best care experiences means considering all elements of a patient’s time in our care and working together with them to understand and improve the quality of the care they receive.

St. Michael's Hospital’s Academic Family Health Team was recently honoured by the Association of Family Health Teams of Ontario for doing just that.

The team received a Bright Lights Award in Patient and Family-Centred Care for their engagement work with a representative group of patient advisors to identify and prioritize areas for improvement for a typical medical visit.

We spoke with Dr. Tara Kiran, family physician and Fidani Chair in Improvement and Innovation at the University of Toronto; Linda Jackson, senior clinical program director for Primary and Community Care; and Jacqueline Chen, clinical leader manager with the Academic Family Health Team, about the award and the work the team has done to engage patients.

Read the full interview on St. Michael's Hospital's website.