Jun 1-2, 2018  |  7:00am - 5:15pm

19th Canadian Collaborative Mental Health Care Conference

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The 2018 Canadian Collaborative Mental Health Care conference will take place on Friday, June 1st and Saturday, June 2nd at the Hilton Toronto Hotel in downtown Toronto! 

The Canadian Collaborative Mental Health Care Conference aims to advance collaborative practice in mental health care in primary care and community settings. Our scope includes intra- and  interprofessional collaboration, as well as collaboration with clients and caregivers. We value multiple forms of knowledge and ‘evidence’ including scientific knowledge, pragmatic knowledge of front line healthcare providers and administrators, and experiential knowledge of people using mental health services, and throughout the conference we seek to promote dialogue between these different perspectives.
This year’s conference theme is “Collaborating Across Cultures”.  We define culture broadly to include cultures of people, of organizations and even of different disciplines in the health professions. As providers of mental health care and supporters of people living with mental illness, we need to collaborate across these various cultures to provide the best care and support possible. We invite you to submit an abstract and attend the conference to share the work you and your team have been doing in collaborative mental health care.


Learn more here