Departmental Awards: Risa Freeman Award for Excellence in Education Scholarship

  • Newly Engaged (5 years or less)
  • Sustained (more than 5 years)


The purpose of this award is to recognize faculty who have made significant and sustained contributions to Education Scholarship including but not limited to the domains of Research, Innovation, and Evaluation.

The contribution(s) are expected to exemplify innovation and impact and may encompass any aspect of education scholarship, including:

  • Teaching (the search for and creation of innovative approaches and best practices to develop skills and disseminate knowledge)
  • Integration (synthesizing knowledge across disciplines, showing relationships, and interconnecting knowledge into concepts and structures
  • Application (Using knowledge to solve actual real-world problems)
  • Discovery (The search for and/or production of new knowledge, information, and models, usually through research)


Any faculty member (scientist, clinician teacher, HPE, etc.) within the Department of Family and Community Medicine who has demonstrated excellence in education scholarship. Note that the Newly Engaged is NOT from time of first appointment but for any faculty member regardless of length of appointment who has been engaged in education scholarship for less than 5 years.


The selection committee will consider the following criteria:

  • Evidence of contribution to, and dissemination of, Education Scholarship (ES) in the form of peer-reviewed publications, presentations, and other forms of dissemination
  • Impact of ES at the local, national, and international level (including scholarship that has informed curricula, policy, changed learner or faculty experience, and other forms of impact)
  • Advances the strategic priorities of the department through ES and acts as a resource for ES initiatives within the department
  • Mentorship and teaching in education scholarship
  • Relevant local, national and/or international awards or other forms of recognition


Nominations can be made by any faculty or staff member of the DFCM, including self-nomination. The nominations will be considered by the DFCM Central Awards Committee. The nominator is responsible for the collection and submission of the award nomination package and informing the nominee of their nomination.

Selection categories:

  • Newly Engaged - Fully Affiliated
  • Newly Engaged – Community Affiliated
  • Sustained Excellence – Fully Affiliated
  • Sustained Excellence – Community Affiliated

Nominations for these DFCM Awards of Excellence must include the following:

  1. Completed nomination form that includes the supporting signature of one of the following: DFCM program director, Site Chief, Division Head or Vice-Chair
  2. Two letters of support indicating why this individual is being nominated in the selected category. Letters that are the most helpful address the criteria for the award and present evidence supporting the nominee’s excellence in those criteria.
  3. CV.
  4. Additional material documenting evidence of excellence may be submitted. A maximum of 3 additional documents can be added to the nomination. These may include letters of support, publications, examples of innovation, etc. Electronic supporting documents (e.g. websites, apps, e-modules, podcasts etc.) can also be submitted with appropriate links and access information for the review committee.


Please download the form and include it in the nomination package:

1. DFCM Awards of Excellence Nomination Form_FINAL.docx

Please submit by email the completed nomination form and corresponding award application documentation in a single PDF file by April 15 (annually) to