- Reduceing high-risk opioid prescribing starting with a focus on reducing opioid and benzo co-prescription - St. Michael's Hospital
- Development of a patient safety committee of multidisciplinary team members in the RVH Family Medicine Teaching Unit - Royal Victoria Hospital
- Choosing Wisely Canada and developing a Safety Learning System: setting the foundation and conducting one SEA (Significant Event Analysis) - Southlake Regional Health Centre
- Markham, Women’s College and Toronto Western Family Medicine Teaching Units are collaborating in a review of Significant Event Analysis and its use in family medicine / primary care. We have agreed to make this a reflective piece and are searching for an evaluative model that might assist us. The evaluation will be mainly qualitative though having joined together, we are considering whether we have sufficient volume to add a quantitative component. Interest has been shown to include a few priority areas in this reflection, such as the effect of medico-legal concerns on Significant Event Analysis. This collaboration may be extended as we are examining opportunities to disseminate results through presentation and publication, given the scarcity of Canadian literature on patient safety in primary care - Markham, Women’s College and Toronto Western Hospital
- Brown Bag Medication Check-Up Medication Reconciliation Project - Mount Sinai Hospital
- Medication reconciliation in home-bound patients - Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre