Practical Management Concepts and Cases in Leading Small Health Organizations



This is an overview course that introduces concepts and issues in leading small health organizations, or smaller divisions in larger organizations. Participants will develop an understanding of the leadership and management skills required to be a health organization leader. Learning tools include assigned readings, the analysis of cases, role-plays, class and instructor participation and presentations, and the completion of assignments. A premium will be placed on interactive discussions and learning from each other. The instructors share their experience in a variety of leadership roles—in community, hospital, and university—and in consulting with government and community health organizations. As an overview course, the participant gains an understanding relating to the breadth of knowledge involved, as well as guidance for further education and/or self-learning.

This course will be instructive for health professionals and those on administrative career paths managing departments in larger health institutions, as well as those leading community organizations and teams in both the health and social service sectors (e.g. rehabilitation centers, CHCs, public health units, community service organizations, health promotion businesses etc).


  1. To describe and develop key leadership characteristics, skills, and tools to lead small health care organizations.
  2. To identify frameworks for approaching leadership opportunities and challenges including team building, change management, and business planning.
  3. To apply course learnings to a project proposal that incorporates principles and pillars in strategic leadership strategies.

Format: Lecture / Seminar


    • Reflections 20%
    • Discussion Boards 20%
    • Participation 10%
    • Final Project
      • Outline 10%
      • Presentation 20%
      • Paper 20%

Reading(s): As assigned




None. Being a health care practitioner is preferred although not required. Experience from working within the health care sector is expected.