Departmental Awards: Staff Excellence in Leadership Values


This award recognizes the role that leadership plays on a daily basis within the Department of Family and Community Medicine. This award seeks to motivate excellence in leadership and to bring the DFCM values to the centre of staff culture; see Mission, Vision and Values at


Any individual who works at the central office of the DFCM, community site, community affiliated or fully affiliated teaching site is eligible. 


The selection committee will consider the following criteria:

  • Demonstrated sustained and exemplary support for the Department administration, and/or teaching and research endeavours.

  • Being held in high regard by colleagues, staff, students, faculty and senior administration.

  • Contributed on a regular basis to the success of the Department.

  • Created intentional opportunities to include diverse voices, mentor colleagues, and inspire others.

  • Communicated a vision and commitment to new and innovative initiatives.

  • Fostered an inclusive workplace, and embedding equitable practices and processes in projects and initiatives.

  • Lead a group or project that has made a significant, sustained contribution and that exemplifies the Department’s values of equity, diversity and inclusion.

  • Demonstrated achievements in support of the Department’s mission, vision and strategic objectives.

  • Lead by example in their dedication to service and/or support.

  • Mentored colleagues and encouraging professional development.


One award winner will be selected from each of the following categories:

  • Central Department
  • Fully Affiliated Sites
  • Community Affiliated Sites

Please review our Site Affiliation Table to determine which category applies to your nominee.


Nominations can be made by any faculty or staff member of the DFCM, including self-nomination. The nominations will be considered by the DFCM Central Awards Committee. The nominator is responsible for the collection and submission of the award nomination package and informing the nominee of their nomination.

Nominations for this DFCM Award of Excellence must include the following:

  1. Completed nomination form that includes the supporting signature of a teaching site Chief, DFCM Program Director, Division Head or Supervisor.

  2. Two letters of support indicating why this individual is being nominated in the selected category. Letters that are the most helpful address the criteria for the award and present evidence supporting the nominee’s excellence in those criteria.

  3. CV.

  4. Additional material documenting evidence of excellence may be submitted. A maximum of 3 additional documents can be added to the nomination. These may include letters of support, project proposals, educational materials, etc.  


Please download the form and include it in the nomination package:

1. DFCM Awards of Excellence Nomination Form_FINAL.docx

Please submit by email the completed nomination form and corresponding award application documentation in a single PDF file by April 15 (annually) to