Enhanced Skills Program: Education Scholarship Program Goals and Objectives
Curriculum Components
- Completion of master’s level courses during enhanced skills year
- Fellowship status with the Wilson Centre or the Centre for Ambulatory Care Education (CACE) with involvement in journal clubs, rounds, seminars and daily working environment
- Faculty supervisor required for program guidance, mentorship and evaluation
- Clinical mentor in academic medicine required for role modelling, career guidance and clinical supervision
- Team member in all Office of Education Scholarship activities
- Collaborator on one research grant project led by an OES education scientist
- Primary investigator on one research project in medical education with REB approval
- Part-time junior faculty position (.2 FTE) in academic teaching unit providing patient care, committee work, active teaching role
Specific Learning Objectives
- Develop proficiency (enhanced skills) in education scholarship
The trainee will be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge and skills across the range of education scholarly activities including scholarly teaching, scholarly curriculum and assessment, and education research.
- Integrate the best evidence in medical education into the design and implementation of scholarly educational work.
- Actively participate in education scholarship rounds, journal clubs and seminars.
- Develop an understanding of the range of research in medical education.
The trainee will be able to:
- Describe the diverse range of research approaches and paradigms important to the field of medical education.
- Conduct a medical education research project with supervision.
- Participate as a team member on a project led by an OES education scientist.
- Effectively communicate with education researchers and scientists both within the paradigm used by the trainee for her/his project and those from other education research paradigms.
- Effectively collaborate with one or more education scientists on a research team that is conducting a large education research project.
- Demonstrate leadership in the area of medical education scholarship.
The trainee will be able to:
- Explain the importance of scholarly education practices to colleagues, students and residents.
- Co-teach/co-facilitate in OES educational offerings, including taking a leadership role as a presenter or session moderator.
- Participate as a member of the OES planning committee for the Celebration of Education Scholarship events.
- Serve as a member of the Office of Education Scholarship consultation and adjudication committees.
Objectives by CanMEDs Competencies
In addition to maintaining and fostering all key and enabling competencies in family medicine, as set out by the College of Family Physicians of Canada, the completion of the Education Scholar Enhanced Skills Program will enable acquisition of the following competencies in each of the following domains.
Medical Expert
At the end of the fellowship the resident will be able to:
- Participate in the work of an academic family health team at the level of a junior faculty member.
At the end of the fellowship the resident will be able to:
- Exhibit effective communication skills, including verbal and written presentation of scholarly and research findings.
- Participate in scholarly conversations in educational communities of practice.
- Apply effective teaching and facilitation techniques in a variety of education settings (including but not limited to teaching clinic, UME teaching, PGME teaching, faculty development, journal clubs, workshops)
At the end of the fellowship the resident will be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the roles and specific expertise of education scientists and researchers across a diverse spectrum of research paradigms.
- Consult with other educators and researchers on both practical and theoretical issues related to education scholarship.
- Effectively participate in a large education research project led by an education scientist.
- Collaborate with partners across education networks (such as education leads in other departments, UME, Post-MD, CFD, CIPE), when appropriate, to advance high-quality education practices.
At the end of the fellowship the resident will be able to:
- Effectively facilitate educational events including journal clubs, rounds and seminars.
- Understand and navigate the complex structures of medical education (university faculties, departments, hospital education programs, etc.) to advance education priorities.
- Lead a small education research project (with supervision).
Health Advocate
At the end of the fellowship the resident will be able to:
- Advocate for the importance of scholarship in education.
- Identify and share with others specialized educational resources and supports.
- Advocate for sound educational practices and principles in all course offerings.
At the end of the fellowship the resident will be able to:
- Apply sound research principles to conducting an education research project.
- Appropriately apply evidence-based and theoretical approaches to the design and implementation of educational innovations and interventions.
- Critically appraise medical education information and successfully integrate information from a variety of sources into teaching and educational innovations.
At the end of the fellowship the resident will be able to:
- Identify best practices for teaching, educational programming, education scholarship and education research.
- Respect personal/professional boundaries with patients, learners, and faculty.
- Demonstrate insight into his/her limitations and respond appropriately to constructive feedback.