Enhanced Skills Program: Sports and Exercise Medicine Fellowship Longitudinal Rotation Goals and Objectives
Program Coordinator:
Dr. Mark Leung
There are general goals and objectives for all CanMEDs roles in the Sport & Exercise Medicine Fellowship. The fellowship program committee has decided to focus on the medical expert role and at least 2 other roles per rotation.
See Curriculum Map for more details.
Longitudinal Sports & Exercise Medicine:
The goal of this longitudinal rotation is to develop skills in functioning effectively as a consultant, performing efficient and comprehensive diagnostic assessments, and building broad, evidence-based treatment plans. Furthermore, the enhanced skills SEM resident develops skills in communicating details of patient assessments, including diagnoses, formulation and management plans, in a manner appropriate to patients, families, coaches, professional colleagues, consultant staff, and supervising staff. This occurs through two 6-month longitudinal rotations, including two full-day weekly SEM clinics, where at least one clinic is involved in the Varsity athlete sports medicine population at the Macintosh Sport Medicine clinic.This provides early breadth of exposure and approaches to common SEM issues.
For this rotation, please focus the evaluation on the following CanMEDs roles:
Medical Expert, Communicator, and Professional
Please refer to the Curriculum Map for more details.
Medical Expert:
Objectives: By the end of this rotation, the resident will be able to...
- Demonstrate an appropriate knowledge base for SEM
- Perform an accurate and appropriate assessment (history and physical examination) of a sport medicine patient, showing an ability to manage and synthesize the input of all participating parties along with other collateral sources
- Develop an appropriate differential diagnosis
- Make appropriate referrals and order appropriate investigations
- Formulate an appropriate, step-wise return to activity plan tailored to the sport medicine patient’s injury, activity, and stage of physical and psychological readiness to return activity
Objectives: By the end of this rotation, the resident will be able to...
- Seek and synthesize relevant information from other sources, including the patient’s family, with the patient’s consent
- Deliver clear and instructive feedback to patients and other relevant related parties around diagnosis, relevant etiological factors, other required investigations, and the potential risks and benefits of various management options
- Adjust the complexity of language used when collaborating with patients and families, based on their level of understanding
- Independently coordinate and complete clear, timely and comprehensive documentation.
Objectives: By the end of this rotation, the resident will be able to...
- Collaborate effectively with other health professionals
- Demonstrate an understanding of the unique role of other health professionals (specialists, referring family physician, allied health) in sport and exercise medicine patient care
Objectives: By the end of this rotation, the resident will be able to...
- Manage patient flow appropriately.
- Coordinate the use of medical devices such as orthotics and braces, in a fiscally responsible manner
Health Advocate
Objectives: By the end of this rotation, the resident will be able to...
- Support the health of patients/families by appropriate referrals, support and information on health maintenance, lifestyle, community/home resources
Objectives: By the end of this rotation, the resident will be able to...
- Incorporate evidence-based decision making in caring for sports medicine patients
- Critically evaluate information and its sources, and apply this appropriately to practice decisions
- Facilitate the learning of other learners through opportunities for both informal teaching and more structured presentations (e.g., journal club, resident teaching, allied health professional teaching)
Objectives: By the end of this rotation, the resident will be able to...
- Demonstrates insight into his/her limitations. Responsive to constructive feedback.
- Demonstrates a commitment to excellence in clinical care and personal ethical conduct. Exhibits proper professional behaviour (e.g. meeting deadlines and being punctual)
- Demonstrates the ability to respectfully delineate the parameters of the doctor-patient office relationship, including compassionate delivery of bad news, maintenance of personal-professional boundaries with patients, residents, and faculty, and appropriate use of tone/posture in sensitive clinical situations.