Enhanced Skills Program: Sports and Exercise Medicine Rheumatology Rotation Goals and Objectives
Curriculum Rotational Goals & Objectives
Program Coordinator: Dr. Mark Leung
Rotations are numbered according to their Block Number - see Curriculum Map for more details.
Block 10. Rheumatology:
The goal of this 4-week rotation is to develop skills in primary care rheumatology and build professional relationships with local academic rheumatologists. This occurs through participation in 6-8 clinic days with the Women's College Hospital Rheumatology Program.
For this rotation, please focus the evaluation on the following CanMEDs roles:
- Medical Expert
- Scholar
- Professional
Please refer to the Curriculum Map for more details.
Medical Expert:
Objectives: By the end of this rotation, the resident will be able to…
- Differentiate inflammatory and non-inflammatory conditions.
- Provide common joint and soft tissue injection and aspiration care.
- Identify and manage osteoporosis conditions in all ages.
- Triage and appropriately treat osteoarthritis in the mild, moderate and severe stages.
- Appropriately use clinical decision rules for inflammatory conditions as they relate to primary care cases.
Objectives: By the end of this rotation, the resident will be able to…
- Demonstrate skills in working with patients and their families/supporting members to overcome communication challenges including anger, confusion, sensory or cognitive impairment, socioeconomic or ethnocultural differences.
- Independently coordinate and complete clear, timely and comprehensive documentation.
Objectives: By the end of this rotation, the resident will be able to…
- Participate effectively and appropriately in an interprofessional healthcare team.
Objectives: By the end of this rotation, the resident will be able to…
- Demonstrate time management skills to reflect and balance priorities for patient care, sustainable practice, and personal life.
Health Advocate
Objectives: By the end of this rotation, the resident will be able to…
- Support the health of patients/families by appropriate referrals, support and information on health maintenance, lifestyle, community/home resources.
- Demonstrate knowledge about the resources available to rheumatology patients with common diagnoses seen in primary care.
- Maintain and enhance professional activities through ongoing learning. Critically evaluate medical information and its sources, and apply this appropriately to practice domains.
- Pursue self-directed learning and demonstrate the spirit of continuous improvement.
- Critically appraise medical information and integrate information from a variety of sources as it applies to practice decisions in the clinic.
- Facilitate the learning of patient, families, students, residents, other health professionals, the public and others as appropriate.
- Demonstrate a commitment to patients and their families, as well as to their profession and to society, through ethical practice.
- Exhibit proper professional behaviour (e.g. meeting deadlines and being punctual).
- Demonstrate insight into his/her limitations. Responsive to constructive feedback.
- Maintain appropriate boundaries, including appropriate draping for a physical examination and appropriate presentation of a case to a group in the presence of the patient.