Faculty Development (FD) Fund

The FD Fund is awarded twice annually to support faculty in their professional development. Support will be considered for (but not necessarily restricted to):

  • Publication of scholarly papers (mini-sabbaticals)
  • Travel (and related expenses) to conferences to present scholarly work (conference registration fees not funded)

Awards will be based on the criteria below, taking into consideration the amount of money available in the fund and the total amount requested.

Funds are not issued proactively and must be collected within one year of the date of the acceptance letter.

Application Deadline

October 30 and April 30 annually.


The FD Awards and Funds Committee will give preference to submissions which meet the following criteria:

  • Provides enhancement of academic content and/or advancement of family and community medicine education, with benefit derived from the professional development activity for both the individual and the department.
  • A letter of support is required from the relevant site/division head or program director, which should address how the funded activity will contribute to the academic life of the site or program.
  • Preference may be given to junior faculty (less than 5 years since appointment)
  • Preference will be given to those who do not have access to other funding
  • If being used for publications, the candidate must provide evidence of acceptance to a journal


  • Must submit an abstract for a poster/presentation/workshop at DFCM conference and/or be available to present at distributed sites when invited


  • Faculty members appointed to the DFCM
  • Faculty must not have received the award in the previous 2 years
  • Faculty are still eligible to apply if the conference has already taken place or the paper has already been published within six months of the application deadline

Application Process

Submission of:

Submit a completed application package via email and kindly mail all original receipts / boarding pass to:

C/O Megan Chow, Awards Administrator
Department of Family and Community Medicine, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
5th Floor, 500 University Avenue
Toronto, ON  M5G 1V7



Adjudicated by the and FD Awards and Funds Committee, chaired by the DFCM Awards, Grants & Funds Lead.