Amna Husain

Current Appointments
2011 Dec - present Associate Member, Institute of Medical Science, School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto
2011 Jul 1 - present Associate Professor, Full-time, Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto
2010 Jul 7 - present Associate Professor (Status Only), Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto
2003 - present Research Leader, Temmy Latner Centre for Palliative Care, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario
1999 - present Associate Staff, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario
2003 MPH, School of Public Health, Harvard University
1987 MD, First Class Honors and Distinction, University of Alberta
1985 BMSc, University of Alberta
Research Synopsis
Applied research in models of collaborative care and developing innovations to enable coordinated and collaborative care.
2016 Aug - 2019 Aug Co-Principal Investigator. Building effective teams: the implementation of a web-based clinical collaboration system. Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute (CCSRI). Innovation to Impact Grant. PI: Husain, Amna; Barwick, Melanie. Collaborator(s): Bezjak, Andrea; Cafazzo, Joseph; Cohen, Eyal; Goldman, Russell; Jamieson, Trevor; Krsysanowski, Monika; Loganathan, Mayura; Rapoport, Adam; Selby, Peter; Stinson, Jennifer. 450,000 CAD. [Grants]
2015 - 2018 Co-Investigator. Comparison of Outcomes and Access to Care for Heart Failure (COACH) Trial. Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit (OSSU). IMPACT Award. PI: Lee, Douglas; Farkouh, Michael; Tu, Jack. Collaborator(s): Austin, Peter; Ross, Heather; Logan, Alexander; Tu, Karen; Pariser, Pauline; Petrella, Rob; Husain, Amna; Steinberg, Leah; Straus, Sharon; Cram, Peter; Sulway, Christopher; Wijeysundera, Harindra; Udell, Jay; Laupacis, Andreas; Mak, Susanna; Smith, Stuart; Costa, Atilio; Hartleib, Michael; Mitoff, Peter; Bhargava, Rakesh; Tobe, Sheldon; Liu, Peter; Stewart, Duncan. 1,750,000 CAD. [Grants]
2014 Apr - 2016 Mar Co-Investigator. Ambulatory Toxicity Management. Ontario Institute for Cancer Research. PI: Krzyzanowska, Monika; Grunfeld, Eva. Collaborator(s): Enright, Katherine; Levine, Mark; Trudeau, Maureen; Mittman, Nicole; Husain, Amna; Howell, Doris; Julian, Jim; Moineddin, Rahim; Earle, Craig. 757,500 CAD. [Grants]
2014 Apr - 2016 Mar Co-Investigator. Improving the Management of Pain in Cancer Patients in Ontario. Ontario Institute for Cancer Research. Health Services Research Program. PI: Barbera, Lisa. Collaborator(s): Atzema, Clare; DeAngelis, Carlo; Dudgeon, Debora; Earle, Craig; Howell, Doris; Husain, Amna; Seow, Hsien; Sutradhar, Rinku; Sussman, Jonathan. 446,172.7 CAD. [Grants]
2014 - 2017 Co-Investigator. Enhancing the Quality of Palliative and End-of-Life Care for Children with Cancer. Canadian Partnership Against Cancer. PI: Widger, Kim; Rapoport, Adam. Collaborator(s): Bouffet, E; Friedrichsdorf, S; Greenberg. A; Husain, A; Liben, S; Poole, J; Siden, H; Whitlock, J; Wolfe, J. 984,264. [Grants]
2013 Jun - 2015 May Principal Investigator. Pilot Randomized Control Trial of an Online Communication Tool for Collaborative Care in Complex Patients. AHSC AFP MSH-UHN. Innovation Fund. Collaborator(s): Stinson, Jennifer; Rapoport, Adam; Cohen, Eyal; Jamieson, Trevor; Cafazzo, Joseph; Grunfeld, Eva; Bezjak, Andrea; Goldman, Russell; Sawka, Carol; Guerriere, Denise. 199,974 CAD. [Grants]
2013 Jun - 2015 May Co-Principal Investigator. Implementation and Evaluation of an Advanced Heart Failure Collaborative (HeartFull) Model of Longitudinal Care. AHSC AFP MSH-UHN. Innovation Fund. PI: Steinberg, Leah; Husain, Amna; Mak, Susanna. Collaborator(s): Goldman, Russell; Arvanitis, Jennifer; Marshall, Denise; Purbhoo, Dipti; Ashford, Yvonne; Guerriere, Denise; Leong-Poi, Howard; Tannenbaum, David; Talbot, Yves. 199,930 CAD. [Grants]
2013 Apr - 2018 Mar Co-Investigator. Canadian Team to Improve Community-Based Cancer Care Along the Continuum (CanIMPACT). Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Team Grant. 128272. PI: Grunfeld, Eva. Collaborator(s): Buchman, Sandy; Fitch, Margaret; Gilbert, Julie; Kerner, Jon; Meuser, James; Sawka, Carol; Turner, Donna; Walks, Fiona; Aubin, Michele; Brouwers, Melissa; Carroll, June; Earle, Craig; Eisenhauer, Elizabeth; Fillion, Lise; Groome, Patti; Heisey, Ruth; Husain, Amna; Jones, Jennifer; Kreuger, Paul; Krsysanowska, Monika; Lofters, Aisha; Manca, Donna; Maxted, John; McBride, Mary; Miedema, Baukje; Miller, Fiona; Mittmann, Nicole; Moineddin, Rahim. 2,476,364 CAD. [Grants]
2013 Apr - 2014 Mar Co-Principal Investigator. My Team of Care - Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer (myTOC-AYAC): Development and Usability Testing of an Online Communication Tool for Collaborative Care in AYAC. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Catalyst Grant. PI: Stinson, Jennifer; Husain, Amna. Collaborator(s): Cafazzo, Joseph; D’agostino, Norma; Gupta, Abha; Hodgson, David; Jamieson, Trevor; Lee Chong, Amy; Nathan, Paul. 99,957 CAD. [Grants]
2013 Mar - 2016 Mar Co-Investigator. Predictors of Family Caregiver Labour Force Participation and Quality of Life Across the Home-Based Palliative Care Trajectory. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Operating Grant. PI: Guerriere, Denise; Coyte, Peter. Collaborator(s): Husain, Amna; Marshall, Denise; Purbhoo, Dipti. 115,165 CAD. [Grants]
2012 Jul - 2014 Jun Principal Investigator. Online Communication Tool for Collaborative Patient Care in Cancer. Canadian Cancer Society. The Ramona Rull Karson Innovation Grant. Grant # 2012-701156. Collaborator(s): Jamieson,Trevor; Cafazzo, Joseph; Bezjak, Andrea; Sawka, Carol; Goldman, Russell; Stinson, Jennifer. 197,750 CAD. [Grants]
2012 Jul - 2013 Jun Co-Principal Investigator. Democratizing Communication in Health Care: Development and Usability Testing of an Online Communication Tool for Collaborative Care in Complex (Pediatric) Patients. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Pfizer Operating Grant in Disease Prevention and Management. PI: Husain, Amna; Cohen, Eyal. Collaborator(s): Cafazzo, Joseph; Eaton Russell, Ceilidh; Goldman, Russell; Jamieson, Trevor; Rapoport, Adam; Stinson, Jennifer. 200,000 CAD. [Grants]
2011 Jul - 2012 Jun Co-Principal Investigator. Development and Evaluation of a Clinical Messaging System for Interprofessional Team-Based Care in the Outpatient Setting. Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Building Bridges to Integrate Care Project (BRIDGES). PI: Husain, Amna; Wu, Rob; Jamieson, Trevor; Dhalla, I. Collaborator(s): Morra, Dante; O’Brien, Tara; Wong, Brian; Frost, David; Lee, Lydia; Cafazzo, Joseph; Martin-Ronson, Nancy; Quan, Sherman; Stinson, Jennifer. 201,377.42 CAD. [Grants]
2010 Jul - 2014 Jun Co-Investigator. Patient and Provider Reported Outcomes in Cancer Patients in Ontario. Ontario Institute for Cancer Research. PI: Barbera, Lisa. Collaborator(s): Howell, Doris; Seow, Hsien; Husain, Amna; Sussman, Jonathan; Atzema, Clare, Earle, Craig; Dudgeon Deb, King Susan. 234,465 CAD. [Grants]
2010 Jul - 2013 Jun Co-Principal Investigator. Predictors of Place of Death and Family Caregiver Burden Across the Home-Based Palliative Care Trajectory. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). PHSI competition. PI: Coyte, Peter; Guerriere, Denise; Husain, Amna; Collaborator(s): Marshall, Denise; Nauenberg, Eric; Brazil, Kevin; Seow, Hsien; Darnay, Julie. 349,885 CAD. [Grants]