Liisa Jaakkimainen

Dr. Liisa Jaakkimainen is a family physician at the Sunnybrook Academic Family Health Team. She a senior core scientist and program lead of the Primary Care and Health Systems program at ICES and an Associate Professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine and the Institute for Health Policy, Management and Evaluation. Dr. Jaakkimainen is also the Enhanced Skills Clinician Scholar (Research) Program Director with the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Toronto.
Research Synopsis
Dr. Jaakkimainen’s research interests include examining primary health care access, continuity of care, primary health care indicators and benchmarks, measuring wait times from primary to specialist care, improving the coordination of care in primary care, caring for marginalized and frail seniors in the community, and performance feedback to primary care providers. In 2006, Dr. Jaakkimainen co-lead the "Primary Care in Ontario: An ICES Atlas". In 2014, Dr. Jaakkimainen published a study using family physician electronic medical records linked to Ontario health administrative data to measure the time between a family physician’s referral and the appointment with a specialist physician.
Honours and Awards
North American Primary Care Research Group, PEARL Award, April 2017
Department of Family and Community Medicine - University of Toronto, Award of Excellence in Research (Senior), 2018
Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM)-PSI Visiting Scholar, 2019-2020
Agency: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Operating Grant
Project Title: Measuring wait times along the pathways of care in primary care
Funding Awarded: $448,802.
Funding Period: 07/2013-03/2019.
Principal Investigator: RL Jaakkimainen
Co-Investigators: J Barnsley, S Bronskill, DA Butt, LM Del Giudice, J Durbin, RH Glazier, NM Ivers, K Tu, RE Upshur.
Knowledge Users: E Keller, CA Leaver, JD Tepper.
Project Title: Replication of the CNODES High Potency Statin in the development of incident DM and Chronic Renal Disease study
Funding Awarded: $150,000
Funding Period: 03/2016-06/2019
Principal Investigator: L Jaakkimainen
Co-Investigators: M. Griever, F Sullivan, D Henry
Agency: Public Health Agency of Canada
Project Title: Validating Administrative Ontario, Manitoba, British Columbia team
Funding Awarded: $300,000
Funding Period: 11/2017-03/2020
Principal Investigator: L Jaakkimainen, L. Lix
Co-Investigators: D. Butt, A. Katz, K. Reimer, M. Smith, J. Widdifield
Agency: Cancer Care Ontario -Clinical Programs & Quality Project
Title: Identifying breast cancer pathways of care from family physicians electronic medical records
Funding Awarded: $100,000
Funding Period: 04/2018-03/2019
Principal Investigator: L Jaakkimainen
Co-Investigators: L DelGiudice, K Tu