Anne Biringer

With the DFCM since 1985. Inaugural holder of Ada and Slaight Family Directorship in Maternity Care at the Granovsky Gluskin Family Medicine Centre, Mount Sinai Hospital.
Active in Family Medicine Maternity Care on provincial and national levels.
Research Synopsis
Research interest is primarily maternity care - from clinical (GBS, asymptomatic bacteruria, VBAC, gestational weight gain, prematurity ...) to mental health in pregnancy (prenatal screening for psychosocial health, perinatal anxiety and depression....) to FM maternity care education.
Honours and Awards
2009 Ada Slaight and the Slaight Family Foundation Directorship in Maternity Care.
2006 Family Physician of the Year – Metro Region (Ontario College of Family Physicians)
2006 CFPC Section of Researchers Outstanding Family Medicine Research Article Award. Carroll JC, Reid AJ, Biringer A, Midmer D, Permaul JA, Pugh P, Chalmers B, Seddon F, Stewart DE. A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Antenatal Psychosocial Health Assessment (ALPHA) Form to detect psychosocial concerns. CMAJ Aug 2005:173:253-259.
2005 DFCM University of Toronto Award for Excellence in Programme Development (Obstetrics)
2004 Elizabeth Anne Beattie Award for Preclerkship Teaching – DFCM, University of Toronto
2003 CFPC Section of Researchers Outstanding Family Medicine Research Article Award. McIsaac, WJ, Low DE, Biringer A, Pimlott N, Evans M, Glazier R. The impact of empirical management of acute cystitis on unnecessary antibiotic use. Arch Intern Med. 2002 Mar 11;162(5):600-5.
2000 Individual Teaching Excellence Award – Wightman-Berris Academy
1998 University of Toronto Family and Community Medicine Research Award
Molnar P, Biringer A, McGeer A, McIsaac W. Can pregnant women obtain their own specimens for Group B Streptococcus? (GBS) A comparison of maternal versus physician screening. Family Practice 1997; 14:403-406
SD McDonald(PI), W. Mundle Prinicipal knowledge user. Co-investigators: J. Barrett, J. Beyene, A. Biringer, J. Chamberlain, J. Cook, J. Dodd, L. Giglia, M. Gulmezoglu, Z. Han, E. Hebert, M. Lopez-Yarto, L. Sabatino, P. Shah, P. Saito, K. Staub, C. Vera. Primary Prevention of Preterm Birth: a Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Knowledge Synthesis Grant - Knowledge Synthesis Operating Grant Funding $100,000 Awarded Dec 2015 (funding from 2016 Jan 01 to Dec 31).
McDonald SD (PI). Co-Applicants (alphabetically): Beyene J, Cairney J, Schmidt L, Sword W, Van Blyderveen S, Vanstone M. Knowledge Users: Biringer A, McDonald H. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Transitional OOGP. Understanding Excessive Pregnancy Weight Gain: A Consideration of Psychological and Other Determinants as a Prelude to Developing Interventions. $536,094. Awarded July 2015 (over 3 years)
Kingston, Austin, Biringer, Heaman, Hegadoren, Lasiuk, MacQueen, McDonald, McDonald, McGrath, Schopflocher, Sword, Veldhuyzen van Zaanten, Watts. A Program of research in perinatal mental health. Canadian Institutes of Health Research $300,000 Awarded July 2014 (over 5 years)
Kingston D. (PI), Austin M-P, Biringer A, Hegadoren KM, Giallo R, Lasiuk GC, MacQueen G, McDonald SD, McDonald S, Sagle, M. Mental Health of Women and Men Seeking Infertility Treatment. (Innovation Grant, Women and Children’s Health Research Institute $50,000. Awarded June 2014 (over 2 years)
Kurtz Landy CM (PI), Sword WA (PI), CO-I: Blake JM, Angle PJ, Biringer A, Boblin SL, Cunningham CE, Heaman MI, McDonald HC, McDonald SD, Morris ML, Shannon HS. A trial of labour or repeat Cesarean section? A mixed methods study examining women’s preferences and providers’ counsel. CIHR $380,324. Awarded June 2013 (over 4 years).
Kingston D (PI), Austin M-P (CI), Biringer A (CI), Heaman M (CI), Hegadoren KM (CI), Lasiuk GC (CI), MacQueen G (CI), McDonald SD (CI), McDonald S (CI), Ohinmaa A (CI), Sword W (CI), Veldhuyzen van Zanten S (CI), Watts R (Collaborator), Antoniuk R. (End User). Mental Health E-Screening in Pregnant and Postpartum Women . Catalyst Grant: E-Health Innovations, CIHR, $99,902. Awarded February 2013
Kingston D (PI), Austin, M-P, Biringer A, Hegadoren KM, Lasiuk G, MacQueen G, McDonald S, McGrath P, Schopflocher D, Spreng S, Sword W, Veldhuyzen van Zanten S. Integrated Maternal Psychosocial Assessment to Care Trial (IMPACT): Intervening Early to Improve Maternal and Child Health. CIHR $346,231 Awarded February 2013 (over 4 years)
Kingston D (PI), Austin M-P, Biringer A, Chaput K, Hegadoren KM, Lasiuk GC, MacQueen G, McDonald S, McGrath P, Schopflocher D, Sword W, Watts R. Integrated Maternal Psychosocial Assessment to Care Trial Pilot (IMPACT-Pilot). Norlien Foundation $124,996. Awarded September 2012.
Kingston D (PI), Austin M-P (CI), Biringer A (CI), Heaman M (CI), Hegadoren KM (CI), Lasiuk GC (CI), McDonald SD (CI), McDonald S (CI), Sword W (CI), Watts R (Collaborator). Development and Testing of a Survey of Barriers and Facilitators of Psychosocial Assessment in Pregnant and Postpartum Women and their Healthcare Providers. Faculty of Nursing Establishment Fund, $15,000. October 2012
Kingston DE (PI), et al, including Biringer A (Co-Investigator). Barriers and Facilitators of Psychosocial Assessment in Pregnant and Post-partum Women and their Healthcare Providers. Women and Children’s Health Research Institute, 2012 Innovation Grant. Alberta. July 2012–August 2013. $50,000.