Bjug Borgundvaag

Dr. Bjug Borgundvaag is the Director of the Schwartz/Reisman Emergency Medicine Institute (SREMI) at the Sinai Health System, and a Clinician Scientist in the Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto, where he holds the rank of Professor. He obtained his PhD in pharmacology prior to attending medical school, and is the Chair of the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee at Sinai Health. He has been involved in a wide variety of ED related research projects including antibiotic and opioid prescribing, and the management of alcohol withdrawal. He recently Co-Chaired the Health Quality Ontario quality standards committee for opioid prescribing in acute pain, and the Ontario e-CTAS Evaluation Committee. Dr Borgundvaag has practiced emergency medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto since 1995.
2018 Baxter N, Clarke H, Ladha K, Brar S: Developing opioid prescribing recommendations for abdominal surgeons that change practice through user informed systematic reviews. CIHR Operating Grant: Opioid Crisis Knowledge Synthesis. March 2018. $117,000. Knowledge User.
2017 Varner C, Borgundvaag B, McLeod SL. Challenging the dogma: A randomized controlled trial comparing prescribed light exercise to standard management for emergency department patients with acute mild traumatic brain injury. Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians: EM Advancement Fund Awardee. January 2017. $10,000. Co-Investigator.
2017 Varner C, McLeod SL, Orkin A, Melady D, Borgundvaag B. A blinded, randomized controlled trial of opioid analgesics for the management of acute fracture pain in older adults discharged from the emergency department. Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians: EM Advancement Fund Awardee. $10,000. Co-Investigator.
2015 Borgundvaag B, McLeod SL. Opiate Prescribing in Ontario Emergency Departments. Janus Research Grant, Canadian College of Family Physicians. August 2015: $10,000. Co-Investigator.
2015 Perry J, Birnie D, Borgundvaag B, Brison R, Hohl C, Macle L, McRae A, Rowe B, Sivilotti M, Stiell I, Vadeboncoeur A, Wells G. A Randomized, Controlled Comparison of Electrical versus Pharmacological Cardioversion for Emergency Department Patients with Recent-Onset Atrial Fibrillation (RAFF-2). CIHR Transitional Operating Grant. $1,242,537 Co-Investigator.