Sandy Buchman

President, The Canadian Medical Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Freeman Family Chair in Palliative Care, North York General Hospital, Toronto, Ontario
President-Elect, Canadian Medical Association 2018-2019
Associate Professor DFCM, Division of Palliative Care, University of Toronto
Assistant Clinical Professor, Division of Palliative Care, Department of Family Medicine, McMaster University
Palliative Care Physician providing home-based care, The Temmy Latner Centre for Palliative Care, Sinai Heath System, Toronto
Palliative Care Physician, Palliative Education and Care for the Homeless (PEACH) program, Inner City Health Associates, Toronto
Palliative Care Physician, Journey Home Hospice for the Homeless, Toronto
Medical Director & member Board of Directors, Neshama Hospice, Toronto
Facilitator-Coach for Learning Essential Approaches to Palliative and End of Life Care, Pallium Canada
Recent past positions:
The College of Family Physicians of Canada: President 2011-2012; Chair, Social Accountability Working Group 2012-2017
Ontario College of Family Physicians: President 2006-2007
Temmy Latner Centre for Palliative Care: Education Lead, 2010-2016
Cancer Care Ontario: Clinical Lead, Department of Integrated Care; Regional Primary Care Lead for the Toronto Regional Cancer Program; Deputy Provincial Lead in Palliative Care responsible for primary care/palliative care integration
The Canadian Partnership Against Cancer Chair, Primary Care Working Group 2013-2017; Member, Palliative and End-of-Life National Network 2012-2017
Pallium Canada: Member National Advisory Committee for Learning Essential Approaches to Palliative and End of Life Care 2011-2017
DFCM: Member, Enhanced Skills in Palliative Care (PGY3) Committee, Div. Palliative Care 2011-2017; Member, Undergraduate Palliative Care Committee, Div. Palliative Care 2011-2017
Research Synopsis
The areas of research in which I have become involved have centred on the questions of improving primary care cancer care. The importance of primary care involvement in the patient’s cancer journey from health promotion and prevention through to screening, early diagnosis, survivorship through to recovery or end of life care is becoming increasingly evident and recognized including improved clinical outcomes.
Another major area of interest is the Integration of palliative care and primary care in the community setting and palliative care and cancer care in cancer centres.
A secondary area of interest is the Social Accountability of Family Medicine and Family Physicians to society. How can Family Medicine and Family Physicians practice to truly address and incorporate the Social Determinants of Health into daily practice at the individual patient level, the regional or community level and the system level?
Honours and Awards
Award of Excellence, College of Family Physicians of Canada Nominated by the Cancer Care Ontario for work as a Regional Primary Care Lead. May 2011.
The C. Robert Kemp Palliative Care Award, College of Family Physicians of Canada. Oct 2003
Family Physician of the Year for Southern Ontario Region, Ontario College of Family Physicians. Sep 2004
Excellence in Continuing Education for Cancer Care in Primary Care, The Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto. Group Award: Primary Care Today Planning Committee 2002-201. Professional Development Program Award. Apr 2012
2016-2021: Manca D, Grunfeld E, Aubrey-Bassler K, Campbell-Scherer D, She-Budgell M, Krueger P, et al. Building on Existing Tools to Improve Cancer and Chronic Disease Prevention and Screening in Primary Care for Wellness of Cancer Survivors and Patients: The BETTER WISE Project. Alberta Cancer Prevention Legacy Fund
2013 Jan: The Better II Coalition: Building on Existing Tools to Improve Chronic Disease Prevention in Family Practice. Canadian Partnership Against Cancer. Coalitions Linking Action and Science for Prevention (CLASP). PI: Grunfeld, E. Collaborator(s): Manca, D.
2013 – 2017: Principal Investigator. The Integrate Project. Canadian Partnership Against Cancer. The focus of the initiative is the early identification of patients with cancer requiring a palliative care approach in primary care and in the cancer centre settings in Ontario and Quebec. . Through appropriate educational and logistic supports both family medicine and oncology will be better able to manage these patients with improved patient/family satisfaction and clinical outcomes. $1,025,000
2010 Sep - 2012: Transition into Survivorship: Translating Knowledge into Action for Testicular and Endometrial cancer populations. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Operating Grant. Collaborator(s): Jones, J., Howell, D. (Co-investigators). $324,307
2013 Jan - 2017 Dec: Canadian Team to Improve Community-Based Cancer Care along the Continuum (CanIMPACT). Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Team Grant: Community-Based Primary Healthcare - ICR/CBCI. PI: GRUNFELD, Eva. Collaborator(s): BUCHMAN, Stephen (Sandy) H; FITCH, Margaret I; GILBERT, Julie E; KERNER, Jon F; MEUSER, James C; SAWKA, Carol A; TURNER, Donna C; WALKS, Fiona; AUBIN, Michèle; BROUWERS, Melissa C; CARROLL, June C; EARLE, Craig C; EISENHAUER, Elizabeth A; FILLION, Lise; GROOME, Patti A; HEISEY, Ruth E; HUSAIN, Amna F; JONES, Jennifer M; KRUEGER, Paul D; KRZYZANOWSKA, Monika K; LOFTERS, Aisha K; MANCA, Donna P; MAXTED, John M; MCBRIDE, Mary L; MIEDEMA, Baukje; MILLER, Fiona A; MITTMANN, Nicole; MOINEDDIN, Rahim; $2,476,364
2010 - 2013 The Continuum of Care in the Home: Enhancing the Competencies of CCAC Case Managers, Home Care Nurses, Family Physicians and Family Health Team Members. Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. PI: Kasperski, J. Collaborator(s): Mottershead, M., VanderBent, S. , Buchman, S. Husain, A. Levinson, A. Darby, D., Marshall, D. Arnold, R. $250,000.
2009 Oct - 2012 Oct: The Better Coalition: Building on Existing Tools to Improve Chronic Disease Prevention in Family Practice. Canadian Partnership Against Cancer. Coalitions Linking Action and Science for Prevention (CLASP). PI: Grunfeld, E. Collaborator(s): Upshur REG, Manca D et al. (Co-investigators). $2,400,000
2013 Jul - 2014 Jun Principal Investigator. Equity in Colorectal Cancer Screening. Cancer Care Ontario, Institute of Clinical and Evaluative Sciences & St. Michael’s Hospital. Collaborator(s): Glazier, R. Rosmovitz, L. (Co-Investigators). 40,000 CAD. A quantitative and qualitative study examining the reasons behind the choice of modality for CRC screening used by family physicians in Toronto and its implications for equitable care.