Program Awards

Program awards reflect the contributions and excellence within our department's individual programs.

Please note that several awards have multiple selection categories. Please review our Site Affiliation Table to determine which category applies to your nominee or you (for self-nominations).

Postgraduate Program Awards

Faculty, residents and staff affiliated with the DFCM Postgraduate Department are eligible for nomination for the awards listed on Postgraduate Program Awards page  during two nomination periods throughout the residency year (Winter Awards & Spring Awards). The award nomination process is coordinated locally by Site Chiefs, Site Directors and the Enhanced Skills Director twice a year and submitted to the DFCM Postgraduate Award Committee for review by the deadlines listed below Please read the following details and contact if you have any questions.

Undergraduate Program Awards

Undergraduate Programs include: FMLE, Clerkship, Electives and Transition to Residency (TTR). Nominations must specify the award category for which the candidate is being nominated.  Nominations for unspecified or multiple award categories will not be accepted. Nominations can be submitted online HERE.


Teaching Excellence


To recognize and formally reward outstanding teaching in undergraduate family medicine.*


Any Department of Family and Community Medicine (DFCM) faculty member.
*For Health Professional Educators, a faculty appointment is not required.

Selection Criteria

  • Commitment — quantity of teaching, accessibility to learners

  • Ability to teach effectively — clarity and quality of communication with learners, enthusiasm for teaching, learner-centred approach

  • Evidence of sustained teaching excellence

  • Demonstrated ability to stimulate learners — encourages interest and enthusiasm in family medicine, displays good rapport with learners, stimulates critical thinking and self-reflection

  • Effective use of appropriate teaching resources and instructional methods

  • Contribution as a suitable role model

  • Ability to encourage scholarly activities

April 15, 2024

Excellence in Advocacy


To recognize outstanding contribution in student, patient or community advocacy related to undergraduate family medicine.


Any individual within the DFCM.

Selection Criteria

  • Commitment — demonstrates a deep commitment to the well-being of students, patients and/or communities

  • Effectively advocates on the students’, patients’ and/or communities’ behalf to remove barriers to family medicine education and/or health care

  • Advocacy may include providing information or tools for self-empowerment in health and social care, and facilitating access to needed services

  • Advocacy may focus on the availability, safety or quality of family medicine education or care

  • Outstanding contribution as a suitable role model for medical students in their advocacy work

April 15, 2024

Role Modelling Clinical Excellence


To recognize and formally reward outstanding clinical role models in undergraduate family medicine.


Any DFCM faculty member.

Selection Criteria

  • Commitment to patients and learners

  • Demonstrates superior clinical skills, a patient-centred approach, and excellent interpersonal qualities

  • Evidence of sustained excellence

  • Demonstrates values, ways of thinking and acting, and self-reflection that are inspiring to medical students in family medicine

  • Outstanding contribution as a suitable role model for medical students in their clinical work

April 15, 2024

Excellence in Mentorship


To recognize and formally reward outstanding mentors in family medicine undergraduate education.


Any individual within the DFCM.

Selection Criteria

  • Deeply committed to proactively assist the mentee with successful personal and professional development

  • Readily available and accessible in their mentorship role

  • Skillfully provides the right balance between supportive coaching and open critique

  • Excellent communication skills and ability to establish effective mentoring relationships based on trust and respect

  • Respected for their integrity, honesty and non-judgmental approach

  • Contribution as a suitable role model

April 15, 2024

Innovation in Family Medicine Education


To recognize and formally reward outstanding individuals or groups for developing and implementing innovative instructional methods in undergraduate family medicine.


Any individual or group in the DFCM who has developed and used an innovative instructional medium specifically for undergraduate family medicine.

Selection Criteria

Instructional media may include but are not limited to:

  • Videos, slides, handouts

  • Emodules, computer programs

  • Demonstrations, simulations

  • Textbooks, handouts, syllabi

  • Self-learning materials

  • Any other creative medium

For instructional methods/media the following criteria will be considered:

  • Effectiveness — evidence of enhancement of student learning

  • Uniqueness and originality

  • Creativity and innovation

  • Appropriateness for the teaching context

  • Clarity

  • Relevance — to the curriculum, appropriate level and detail, accuracy

  • Dissemination

An example of the innovation must be submitted for review

April 15, 2024

Excellence in Program Development


To recognize and formally reward outstanding individuals or groups for developing programs in undergraduate family medicine.


Any individual or group engaged in the development of family medicine course programs.

Selection Criteria

Program development may include but is not limited to:

  • Program content or design — well defined objectives, well organized, relevance, effective use of learning opportunities and teaching aids

  • Student assessment — matched with subject matter and course objectives, designed to encourage learning of core material, focused on critical and analytical thinking, fairness

  • Program evaluation - regular evaluations, appropriate changes based on feedback

April 15, 2024

Excellence in Program Coordination


To recognize and formally reward outstanding individuals or groups for coordinating programs in undergraduate family medicine.


Any individual or group engaged in the coordination of family medicine course programs.

Selection Criteria

Program coordination may include but is not limited to:

  • Program, site or seminar supervisor — commitment and enthusiasm, accessibility, continuous monitoring and improvement based on feedback

  • Program evaluation — regular evaluations, appropriate changes based on feedback

April 15, 2024

Nomination Process

Nominations can be made by students, faculty or staff at DFCM, including self-nomination, and are to be submitted online HERE. Supporting letters for self-nominations must be sent directly to the Awards Adjudication Committee via

  • Nomination deadline is April 15, 2024.

  • The nominations will be considered by the Undergraduate Education Award Adjudication Committee.

  • Nominations must include a statement describing why the nominee meets the selection criteria and outlines their contribution.

  • Optionally, supporting materials such as teaching evaluations, testimonials or letters of support may be collected and submitted.

  • Nominations must specify the award category for which the candidate is being nominated.  Nominations for unspecified or multiple award categories will not be accepted.

For additional details, please contact Thanusha Rajathurai by email or call 416-978-1896.

Global Health Program Awards



Global Health
Resident Award

DFCM residents in global health who have demonstrated leadership and advocacy.

The Resident Award for excellence in Global Health is intended to recognize DFCM residents who have demonstrated one or more of the following:

  • Leadership: Leadership in the development of innovative initiatives in global health and/or in engaging in global health activities.

  • Advocacy: A deep commitment to global health and effective advocacy in areas such as equity, refugee health, primary health care.

Global Health Resident Award Nomination Form

April 15

Yves Talbot Award for Excellence in Global Health Leadership

Faculty member in global health

The Yves Talbot Award for Excellence in Global Health Leadership is intended to recognize faculty in the area of global health who have demonstrated excellence in global health leadership. An exceptional individual who has demonstrated sustained leadership and commitment to the field of Global Health. This individual has been an innovator and led global health capacity-building initiatives in Canada or abroad. He or she has been an advocate and champion of family medicine, primary care and/or health equity. Preference will be given to faculty who have demonstrated a commitment to the principles and values of family medicine. 

Yves Talbot Award for Excellence in Global Health Leadership Award Nomination Form

April 15

Faculty Award for Excellence in Global Health

The Faculty Award for Excellence in Global Health is intended to recognize faculty in the area of global health who have demonstrated excellence in scholarship, teaching, and mentorship.

The Faculty Award in Global Health is intended to recognize faculty who have demonstrated excellence in the development, implementation or dissemination of educational programs or scholarship activities in Global Health. This individual has shown excellence in the supervision, mentoring or teaching of trainees in global health in Canada or abroad. Preference will be given to faculty who have demonstrated a commitment to the principles and values of Family Medicine.

Faculty Award for Excellence in Global Health Nomination Form

April 15


Faculty Development Awards

Nomination Process


Nominations can be made by any faculty or staff member of the DFCM, including self-nomination. The nominations will be considered by the DFCM Faculty Development Awards Sub-Committee. The nominator is responsible for the collection and submission of the award nomination package and informing the nominee of their nomination.

Selection Categories:

One award winner will be selected from each of the following categories:

  • Fully-affiliated/Community-affiliated/Community sites

  • HPEs Fully-affiliated/Community-affiliated sites

Nominations for all Faculty Development Program awards must include the following:

  1. Faculty Development Program Award nomination form

  2. Any additional documentation specified in the award criteria (if applicable) (see award details below)

  3. OPTIONAL – A maximum of 2 additional documents can be be added to the nomination. These may include letters of support, project proposals, educational materials, etc.

Please submit by email the completed nomination form and corresponding award application documentation in a single PDF file by 5PM on April 15 (annually) to

Nomination deadline is April 15 (annually).




Elana Fric Family Medicine Award for Leadership and Advocacy

Purpose: This award recognizes an outstanding DFCM faculty member and/or team who pursues a relevant knowledge mobilization project in Faculty Development related to mental health and/or intimate partner violence in family medicine.

Eligibility: Any DFCM faculty member is eligible (all career stages). Preference will be given to applications that represent at least two partner departments and/or are inter-professional in nature and include representation from another Faculty


Candidates for the award will:

  1. Identify an area of need within mental health or intimate partner violence

  2. Develop a knowledge mobilization project to address the above

  3. Partner with a relevant organization to research or deliver programs related to their knowledge mobilization project

  4. Disseminate their findings /recommendations within 2 years of receipt of the award


$2,500 awarded once annually. Nominees will only be able to receive this award once.

April 15

Jamie Meuser
Faculty Development Impact Award

PurposeThis award recognizes an outstanding DFCM faculty member and/or team who has undertaken exemplary faculty development work.

Eligibility: Any DFCM faculty member and their teams (if applicable) are eligible.


The selection committee will consider the following criteria:

  • Development, implementation and/or dissemination of innovative faculty development programs
  • Integration and application of theory into practice

April 15

Continuing Education Impact Award

Purpose: This award recognizes an outstanding DFCM faculty member and/or team who has undertaken excellent Continuing Education work.

Eligibility: Any DFCM faculty member and their teams (if applicable) are eligible.


The selection committee will consider the following criteria:

  • Sustained leadership in the creation, implementation and/or dissemination of innovative continuing education programs

  • Integration and application of theory into practice

April 15

Outstanding Contribution to Scholarship in Faculty Development

Purpose: This award recognizes an outstanding DFCM faculty member and/or team who has made an outstanding contribution to scholarship in faculty development area.

Eligibility: Any DFCM faculty member and their teams (if applicable) are eligible.


The selection committee will consider the following criteria:

  • Sustained contribution to discovery and dissemination of knowledge in the field of faculty development

  • Preference will be given to individuals or teams who have disseminated their work through national presentations or publications

April 15

Leadership in Faculty Development

Purpose: This award recognizes outstanding DFCM faculty and staff members who support faculty development.

Eligibility: Any faculty or staff member at the central DFCM or teaching site who supports faculty development is eligible (all career stages).


The selection committee will consider the following criteria:

  • For faculty or staff affiliated with the DFCM who have displayed commitment and contribution to faculty development activities in family medicine within their community, their profession, their unit/program, or the DFCM.

Selection Categories:

One award winner will be selected from each of the following categories:

  • Faculty

  • Staff

April 15

Learner: Contributor to Faculty Development

Purpose: This award recognizes a learner in pre-clerkship, clerkship, residency or fellowship training who has demonstrated interest, and contributed to, the professional development of their peers, their community and/or their profession.

Eligibility: Any learner in pre-clerkship, clerkship, residency or fellowship training is eligible.


The selection committee will consider the following criteria:

  • Demonstration of an interest in and contribution to the professional development of the nominee’s peers, community or profession.

April 15

Community-based Contributor to Faculty Development

Purpose: This award recognizes part-time and adjunct faculty members and/or teams within the DFCM, who contribute to the professional development of their peers, their community and/or their profession.

Eligibility: Any part-time or adjunct DFCM faculty (or teams with a significant proportion of PT/adjunct faculty members) are eligible.


The selection committee will consider the following criteria:

  • Creativity and innovation in the development, implementation and/or dissemination of professional development (FD or CE) programs.

  • Integration and application of theory into practice

April 15


Purpose: This award recognizes an individual, mentorship dyad, or group who exemplify the meaning of mentorship in the DFCM.

Eligibility: Any DFCM faculty member and their teams (if applicable) are eligible.


The selection committee will consider the following criteria:

  • Exemplify the meaning of mentorship in the DFCM.

  • Activities make a significant contribution to the advancement of mentorship in the DFCM.

  • The nomination package must include a letter of support from the mentee if they are not the primary nominator

Selection Categories:

One award winner will be selected from each of the following categories:

  • Fully-Affiliated/Community-Affiliated Sites

  • Community Sites (includes FMLE, teaching practices, and integrated community sites)

  • HPEs Fully-Affiliated/Community-Affiliated Sites

April 15

Research Program Awards


Outstanding Peer-Reviewed Publication

Up to 3 awards for outstanding peer-reviewed publications will be given each year.

To be considered, the article must:

  • Have been published in the previous calendar year;

  • Have a DFCM faculty member as first author;

  • Be relevant to family medicine and/or address an important research or methodology question.

The award winners are chosen by the DFCM Clinician Investigator Award recipients.

We highly encourage faculty to submit their own publications and to nominate others who meet the eligibility criteria.

Please email all nominations (including name of nominee, name of nominator, and full citation) to

Nomination deadline is Jan. 31, 2025.

Jan. 31, 2025

Award for Research Mentorship

The nominee must have a DFCM primary appointment and a record of sustained research mentorship.

To recognize outstanding contributions in research mentorship. To be considered, the nominee must have a DFCM primary appointment and a record of sustained research mentorship. Individuals who received the award the previous year are not eligible. The Award for Research Mentorship will only be awarded if a suitable candidate is identified. In order to apply, please complete the following nomination form: Award for Research Mentorship 2024

To nominate, submit, or receive more information for either of these Research Program awards, please contact

Nomination deadline is April 15, 2025.

April 15, 2025

Quality Improvement Awards


Impact Awards

These awards target achievement of improvement across the three elements of the Triple Aim – improved patient/provider experience;
improved population health; improved cost-effectiveness. (Three awards per academic year, per academic site.)

Local Team Impact Awards

These awards recognize methodological excellence towards the incremental improvement associated with impactful QI initiatives. Specifically, these awards target achievement of improvement across the three elements of the Triple Aim — improved patient/provider experience; improved population health; improved cost-effectiveness. Up to three awards will be nominated each academic year by the QPC lead(s) for their respective academic site (awards per year as relevant):

  1. PGY1 Impact Award — These award winners demonstrate proficiency in the application of QI methodology as evidenced by a focus on a quality dimension of relevance to the academic site, application of appropriate system diagnostic tools and effective completion of multiple PDSA (plan, do, study, act) cycles of change with the potential to impact incremental improvement in 1 or more process measures. Evidence of collaboration with interprofessional team members is required.  

  2. PGY2 Impact Award — This award winner demonstrates proficiency in the application of QI methodology as evidenced by a focus on a quality dimension of relevance to the academic site, application of appropriate system diagnostic tools, measurement across a family of measures for the duration of the project and effective completion of multiple PDSA (plan, do, study, act) cycles of change. Evidence of collaboration with interprofessional team members is required as is demonstration of sustainability and spread of changes to the broader academic site, community or other sites.

  3. Faculty & Staff Impact Award — These award winners demonstrate the leadership, innovation and team effectiveness required to drive positive change in the achievement of incremental improvement. The winning team demonstrates a sound methodological approach to the QI initiative and effective collaboration. Additionally, award winners will demonstrate sustainability and spread of changes to the broader academic site, community or other sites.

Nomination Process

  • Nomination deadline is April 15. The site nomination process should begin in October of the previous year. Sites may nominate a PGY1 candidate in their PGY2 (following) year.

  • Each site may nominate a project for each award. 

  • Nominations for residents must be submitted or pre-approved by the site program director.

  • Submissions must include the full name, base hospital site and email addresses for both the nominator and all nominees.

  • Preference will be given to nominees who have not received the same award in the last three years.

  • Nominators are asked to provide a clear and concise statement (75 words max) which explains why the nominated individual(s) is (are) a deserving recipient(s) of the respective award.

  • To nominate or receive more information for any of these Quality Improvement Program awards, please contact

April 15

Academic Fellowship and Graduate Studies Awards


Continuing Education and Graduate Studies Instructor Award

To be awarded annually to an individual or group of instructors for a sustained contribution to the learning of students within our programs. Nominations may be made for excellence in teaching methods, curriculum development or educational activities and/or for supporting and nurturing their learners. 

April 15

Field Practicum Preceptor Award

To be awarded annually to an individual or group who has acted as an exemplary field supervisor for a CE or graduate learner’s Practicum project over the past 12 months.

April 15


Continuing Education Student Award for Scholarship

To be awarded to a student registered in, or recently completed, one of our continuing education programs who has demonstrated that work completed as part of the program has been disseminated in a scholarly form outside of the program

April 15

Continuing Education Student Award for Overall Excellence

To be awarded to a student registered in, or recently completed, one of our continuing education programs who has demonstrated superior knowledge and skill in the classroom setting

April 15

Continuing Education Student Award for Leadership

To be awarded to a student registered in, or recently completed, one of our continuing education programs who is seen as a natural leader and a support or resource to peers and faculty in the program

April 15

Nomination Process

  • Nomination Form

  • Nominations can be made by a CE or graduate student, a program director, supervisory colleague, or by self-nomination.

  • Nomination Deadline: April 15th annually 

  • Submit nominations to: AFGS Program

Emergency Medicine Awards


Excellence in Teaching in Emergency Medicine (Early Career)


This award recognizes excellence in teaching for new faculty in the Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Family and Community Medicine.


Any faculty within the Division of Emergency Medicine who has taught learners for five (5) years or less, across the medical continuum including; Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Graduate Studies, Faculty Development and Continuing Education. Teaching may include supervision in the Emergency Department or other settings (such as seminars, workshops, lectures, podcasts etc.). The individual may not have previously received this award. The award will only be given if a suitable candidate is identified.

Co-nominees will be considered if there are two candidates that have worked jointly on an teaching/education endeavour.


The selection committee will consider a “body of work” typically over more than 1 year including one or more of the following criteria to assess the impact of the nominee’s teaching:

  • Documentation of teaching excellence.

  • Commitment; quantity of teaching, accessibility to learners.

  • Evidence of personal commitment to advancing knowledge in the area of teaching and education.

  • Ability to organize material and emphasize principles.

  • Demonstrated ability to stimulate learners; encourages interest in and enthusiasm for subject, displays good rapport with learners, leads learners to think critically, analytically and independently, and to organize their own learning.

  • Effective use of appropriate teaching resources and instructional media.

  • Demonstrated exemplary role modelling.

  • Recipients cannot have received the same award in the last five years.


Nominations can be made by: 

  1. Any faculty within the Division of Emergency Medicine, DFCM (excluding self‐nominations)

  2. Any current medical student in the MD Program, University of Toronto

  3. Any current resident in a postgraduate program, University of Toronto

The nominator is responsible for the collection and submission of the award nomination package and informing the nominee of their nomination.

Nominations must include the following:

  1. Completed nomination form.

  2. Three (3) letters of support indicating why this individual is being nominated in the selected category. Letters that are the most helpful address the criteria for the award and present evidence supporting the nominee’s excellence in those criteria.

    1. One of the letters must be from the nominator.

    2. One of the letters must be from a current or former (within the last 3 years) medical learner.

    3. A letter from the nominee’s Chief (as 1 of the 3 letters) is recommended but not required.

    4. Additional letters will not be reviewed by the Selection Committee.

  3. Curriculum Vitae.

Please submit the completed nomination form and corresponding award application documentation in a single PDF file by April 15 to:

April 15

Excellence in Teaching & Education in Emergency Medicine


This award recognizes excellence in teaching and education by faculty within the Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Family and Community Medicine.


Any faculty within the Division of Emergency Medicine who has been involved in teaching and education for five (5) years or more, across the medical continuum including; Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Graduate Studies, Faculty Development and Continuing Education. Teaching and education activities may include supervision in the Emergency Department or other settings (such as seminars, workshops, lectures, podcasts etc.). The individual may not have previously received this award. The awards will only be given if a suitable candidate is identified.

Co-nominees will be considered if there are two candidates that have worked jointly on an teaching/education endeavour. 


The selection committee will consider a “body of work” that is typically sustained over a period of 5 years or more with one or more of the following criteria to assess the impact of the nominee’s teaching and education activities:

  • Documentation of teaching excellence.

  • Commitment; quantity of teaching, accessibility to learners.

  • Evidence of personal commitment to advancing knowledge in the area of teaching and education.

  • Ability to organize material and emphasize principles.

  • Demonstrated ability to stimulate learners; encourages interest in and enthusiasm for subject, displays good rapport with learners, leads learners to think critically, analytically and independently, and to organize their own learning.

  • Effective use of appropriate teaching resources and instructional media.

  • Curriculum and program development.

  • Education scholarship.

  • Demonstrated exemplary role modeling.

  • Recipients cannot have received the same award in the last five years.


Nominations can be made by:

  1. Any faculty within the Division of Emergency Medicine, DFCM (excluding self‐nominations);

  2. Any current medical student in the MD Program, University of Toronto

  3. Any current resident in a postgraduate program, University of Toronto

The nominator is responsible for the collection and submission of the award nomination package and informing the nominee of their nomination.

Nominations must include the following:

  1. Completed nomination form.

  2. Three (3) letters of support indicating why this individual is being nominated in the selected category. Letters that are the most helpful address the criteria for the award and present evidence supporting the nominee’s excellence in those criteria.

    1. One of the letters must be from the nominator.

    2. One of the letters must be from a current or former (within the last 3 years) medical learner.

    3. A letter from the nominee’s Chief (as 1 of the 3 letters) is recommended but not required.

    4. Additional letters will not be reviewed by the Selection Committee.

  3. Curriculum Vitae.

  4. Additional material documenting evidence of excellence is strongly recommended (such as Teaching Dossier and Teaching Evaluation Scores). 

Please submit the completed nomination form and corresponding award application documentation in single PDF file by April15  to:

April 15

Excellence in Research/Quality Improvement in Emergency Medicine


This award recognizes excellence in research and/or quality improvement initiatives by faculty within the Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Family and Community Medicine.


Any faculty within the Division of Emergency Medicine. The individual may not have previously received this award. The award will only be given if a suitable candidate is identified.


The selection committee will consider a “body of work” over more than 1 year including one or more of the following criteria to assess the impact of the nominee’s research and/or quality improvement initiatives:

  • Grants

  • Publications

  • Presentations

  • Impact of research and/or quality improvement initiatives

  • Recipients cannot have received the same award in the last five years.


Nominations can be made by any faculty within the Division of Emergency Medicine, DFCM (excluding self‐ nominations). The nominator is responsible for the collection and submission of the award nomination package and informing the nominee of their nomination.

The nominator is responsible for the collection and submission of the award nomination package and informing the nominee of their nomination.

  1. Completed nomination form.

  2. Curriculum Vitae.

  3. Two (2) letters of support.

    1. One of the letters must be from the nominator.

    2. A letter from the nominee’s Chief (as 1 of the 2 letters) is recommended but not required.

    3. Additional letters will not be reviewed by the Selection Committee

  4. A letter from the nominee describing how the nominee meets the above selection criteria along with evidence to support the impact of their research or quality improvement initiative (not to exceed 250 words).

  5. Additional material documenting evidence of excellence is strongly recommended (such as Research Dossier, copy of publications).

Please submit the completed nomination form and corresponding award application documentation in a single PDF file by April 15 to:

April 15

The Eric Letovsky Award for Excellence in Emergency Medicine


This award recognizes an individual who has demonstrated sustained excellence in clinical practice, teaching and scholarship within the Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Family and Community Medicine.


Any faculty within the Division of Emergency Medicine for at least 10 years. Contributions may include those at a hospital, University, regional or national level. The individual may not have previously received this award. The award will only be given if a suitable candidate is identified.


The selection committee will consider a “body of work” that is typically sustained over a period of 5 years or more with one or more of the following criteria:

  • Demonstrated clinical excellence

  • Exemplary professional practice

  • Innovative practice

  • Contributions to professional practice

  • Teaching and/or education excellence

  • Contributions to scholarship

  • Demonstrated leadership

  • Exemplary role modelling

  • Recipients cannot have received the same award in the last five years.


Nominations can be made by any faculty within the Division of Emergency Medicine, DFCM (excluding self‐ nominations). The nominator is responsible for the collection and submission of the award nomination package and informing the nominee of their nomination.

The nominator is responsible for the collection and submission of the award nomination package and informing the nominee of their nomination.

Nominations must include the following:

  1. Completed nomination form

  2. Three (3) letters of support indicating why this individual is being nominated in the selected category. Letters that are the most helpful address the criteria for the award and present evidence supporting the nominee’s excellence in those criteria.

    1. One of the letters must be from the nominator.

    2. A letter from a current or former (within the last 3 years) medical learner (as 1 of the 3 letters) is recommended but not required.

    3. A letter from the nominee’s Chief (as 1 of the 3 letters) is recommended but not required.

    4. Additional letters will not be reviewed by the Selection Committee.

  3. Curriculum Vitae.

Please submit the completed nomination form and corresponding award application documentation in a single PDF file by April 15 to:

April 15

Palliative Care Awards


The Award of Excellence in Palliative Care


This award recognizes an exceptional individual in Palliative Care who embodies compassion, mentorship, and dedication. This award honors a well-rounded clinician who consistently makes a profound impact, is a mentor to many, and is deeply respected by both learners and patients for their unwavering commitment to quality care.

Eligibility: Any faculty member within the Department of Palliative Care (DPC). 

Selection Criteria

The selection committee will consider the following criteria: 

  • a commitment to compassionate, comprehensive palliative care to patients and their families 

  • a dedication to continuous personal and professional growth, while actively supporting the development of others in the field

  • a strong commitment to advancing the field of palliative care through collaboration and leadership

  • Has exemplified excellence in Palliative Care in 2 or more of the following: clinical practice, education, administration, research, QI, advocacy

Selection Categories

One award winner will be selected from each of the following categories:

  • Early Career (<5 years)

  • Sustained Excellence (>5 years)


The Office of Education Scholarship Awards




The Cynthia Whitehead Award for Best Education Scholarship Publication


The purpose of this award is to recognize DFCM faculty who have made an impactful contribution to Family Medicine Education and/or Health Professions Education Scholarship through dissemination in a peer-reviewed publication (journal, peer-reviewed book, peer-reviewed depository). Other forms of peer-reviewed dissemination may be eligible at the selection committee's discretion.

This award is named in honour of Dr. Cynthia Whitehead, DFCM’s inaugural Vice-Chair of Education and Director, Office of Education Scholarship. She is a highly regarded scholar in medical education.

Eligibility: All DFCM faculty who are principal or senior authors of a publication in health professions education scholarship are eligible to submit a peer-reviewed publication that has been published in the previous calendar year. Submissions that are accepted online before publication or before assignment to an issue will only be accepted in the calendar year they are officially published. Two awards will be given each year. Self-nominations are permitted. 

Selection Criteria

The selection committee will consider the following criteria: 

  • Novelty and/or significance of the research question, innovation, evaluation, or scholarly issue addressed in the publication
  • Rigour and appropriateness of the methodology, design, and analysis
  • The potential impact of the publication including but not limited to the relevance of the results to theory and practice, contributions to new knowledge in health professions education, and the scope of the publication (e.g. international journal).
  • Clarity and quality of writing

The award winners are chosen by the OES consultation team. Nominators may submit multiple papers for the same principal or senior author but only one submission per nominated individual will be recognized.

Nominations are submitted by email to and will include:

  • the name of the principal or senior author, and their DFCM affiliation
  • a copy of the publication along with its relevant DOI

Nominations are now closed for 2025.


2026 deadline TBA.