
Our faculty's research is often accepted for inclusion in many prestigious scientific journals both nationally and internationally. View the latest research from our department on PubMed.

Jan 18, 2024
Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Kellia Chiu, Saloni Pandya, Manu Sharma, Ashleigh Hooimeyer, Alexandra de Souza, Abhimanyu Sud
Jan 18, 2024
JAMA network open
Patricia Di Ciano, Tarek K Rajji, Lauren Hong, Sampson Zhao, Patrick Byrne, Yoassry Elzohairy, Jeffrey R Brubacher, Michael McGrath, Bruna Brands, Sheng Chen, Wei Wang, Omer S M Hasan, Christine M Wickens, Pamela Kaduri, Bernard Le Foll
Jan 18, 2024
JAMA ophthalmology
Nikki Rousta, Isra M Hussein, Radha P Kohly
Jan 18, 2024
Health promotion perspectives
Vijay Kumar Chattu, Bawa Singh, Fnu Kajal, Chakrapani Chatla, Soosanna Kumary Chattu, Sanjay Pattanshetty, K Srikanth Reddy
Jan 16, 2024
Canadian medical education journal
Stephanie Park, Grace Zhou, Calvin Ke, Fok-Han Leung
Jan 16, 2024
Canadian medical education journal
Brett Schrewe, Tatiana Yeuchyk, Melanie El Hafid, Joyce Nyhof-Young
Jan 16, 2024
Canadian medical education journal
Sallie Han, Iris Kim, David Rojas, Joyce Nyhof-Young
Jan 12, 2024
Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin
Christa Smolarchuk, Carla Ickert, Nathan Zelyas, Jeffrey C Kwong, Sarah A Buchan
Jan 11, 2024
CJC open
Arrani Senthinathan, Wade Thompson, Zoya Gomes, Michel Kiflen, Angela Ortigoza Bonilla, Ellen Stephenson, Debra Butt, Braden O'Neill, Jacob A Udell, Karen Tu
Jan 11, 2024
Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco
Kameron Iturralde, Scott Veldhuizen, Peter Selby, Laurie Zawertailo