Enhanced Skills Program: Education Scholar

The primary purpose of this program is to build education scholarship capacity among comprehensive family medicine graduates. This program will equip family physicians with the knowledge and skills to develop and then lead the faculty in further research and development of best education principles and practices. 

The learner will engage part-time in an academic teaching unit, participate in central DFCM administrative, teaching and scholarly activities, and may choose to pursue the requirements of a postgraduate program in education.

Program Director(s):
Dr. Kulamakan (Mahan) Kulasegaram PhD, BHSc (Hons)
(416) 340-3216
Dr. Lindsay Herzog (on leave) MD, CCFP 

Length of Program: One Year (52 weeks) – Full Time

Program and Application Eligibility

For funding eligibility, please see the main Enhanced Skills Program Admissions page. N.B.: Those enrolled in a PGY3 Enhanced Skills Program at the time of application are NOT eligible to apply to another PGY3 Enhanced Skills position.

Applications will be screened and interviewed for a maximum of two (2) selected candidates per year.

The successful candidate must meet the admissions committee criteria.

Candidates in the program will be encouraged to participate part-time in relevant graduate-level courses during their enhanced skills year at the University of Toronto i.e. MEd, MScCH (HPTE) or equivalent education experience.

Applicants who are interested in pursuing a relevant education Master's degree program are strongly encouraged to contact potential graduate supervisors prior to or concurrent with their application. This will help them identify which U of T graduate programs that they may potentially apply to as well as clarify details of potential scholarly projects for the PGY3 year, research supervision, course work and/or other scholarly components of their course of study. Applicants who would like guidance or have questions about finding a supervisor are encouraged to contact the Program Director as soon as possible. 

Curriculum Competencies

The Education Scholar Enhanced Skills Program adheres to CanMEDS-FM goals and objectives to achieve the following competencies:

  • Medical Expert
  • Communicator
  • Collaborator
  • Leader
  • Scholar
  • Health Advocate
  • Professional

For complete details, please read the goals and objectives.

Sample Rotation

  • Introduction to Education Research (Theory, Methodology and Practice)
  • Mentorship and Leadership in Education
  • Clinical Skills in Family Medicine
  • Teaching Skills
  • Administration in Education
  • Writing and Presentation Skills

See complete rotation details here.

Unique Program Requirements

  • OES team meetings
  • OES education scholarship offerings including Celebration of Education Scholarship, journal club, consultations, etc.

Enhanced Skills Program (PGY3) – 2025-2026 Call for Applications: Education Scholar


Application Process:  

Education Scholar applications are due by 5pm on Friday March 21, 2025.

Interested applicants should submit the following documents to Thanu Sabesan at dfcm.enhancedskillscat2@utoronto.ca:

1. Completed Application Form

2. Letter of Intent (addressed to the Program Director) addressing objectives and motivations for pursuing additional training.

3. Current CV

4. Copy of your medical degree

5. Three (3) letters of reference, one of which must be from your residency Site Director. All letters should be sent directly to the email address above by referees.

After submission of the application, programs will engage in a file review and extend interview offers. 

The successful applicant for the Education Scholar Program will be notified of admission by April 2025.

If you have any questions about the programs, please contact the Program Directors listed below:

Dr. Mahan Kulasegaram - mahan.kulasegaram@utoronto.ca

Dr. Lindsay Herzog - lindsay.herzog@utoronto.ca (on leave)