Enhanced Skills Program: Education Scholar
Enhanced Skills Program (PGY3) – 2025-2026 Call for Applications: Education Scholar
Application Process:
Education Scholar applications are due by 5pm on Friday March 21, 2025.
Interested applicants should submit the following documents to Thanu Sabesan at dfcm.enhancedskillscat2@utoronto.ca:
1. Completed Application Form
2. Letter of Intent (addressed to the Program Director) addressing objectives and motivations for pursuing additional training.
3. Current CV
4. Copy of your medical degree
5. Three (3) letters of reference, one of which must be from your residency Site Director. All letters should be sent directly to the email address above by referees.
After submission of the application, programs will engage in a file review and extend interview offers.
The successful applicant for the Education Scholar Program will be notified of admission by April 2025.
If you have any questions about the programs, please contact the Program Directors listed below:
Dr. Mahan Kulasegaram - mahan.kulasegaram@utoronto.ca
Dr. Lindsay Herzog - lindsay.herzog@utoronto.ca (on leave)